
Dieses Plugin stellt sicher, dass Yoast SEO alle ACF-Inhalte einschließlich flexibler Inhalte und Repeater analysiert.

Die Inhalts- und SEO-Analyse von Yoast SEO for WordPress berücksichtigt nicht den Inhalt eines Beitrags von Advanced Custom Fields. Dieses Plugin verwendet das Plugin-System von Yoast SEO for WordPress, um sich in das Analyseprogramm einzuklinken und ACF-Inhalte zur SEO-Analyse hinzuzufügen.

Das wurde bisher vom Plugin WordPress SEO ACF Content Analysis erledigt, aber das funktioniert mit mehr mit Yoast 3.0. Vielen Dank an ryuheixys, den Autor dieses Plugins, für die ursprüngliche Idee.

Dieses Plugin ist sowohl mit der kostenlosen ACF-Version 4 als auch mit der PRO-Version 5 kompatibel. Bitte beachte, dass es Pro-Add-ons für Version 4 ignoriert. In diesem Fall führe bitte ein Upgrade auf die ACF-PRO-Version 5 durch.

Wenn du Probleme hast, reiche sie bitte auf GitHub ein.

Zuvor bezeichnet als Yoast ACF Analysis.


Entferne bestimmte Felder aus der Bewertung

add_filter( 'Yoast\WP\ACF\blacklist_name', function ( $blacklist_name ) {
    $blacklist_name->add( 'my-field-name' );
    return $blacklist_name;

Entferne Feld-Typen aus der Bewertung

add_filter( 'Yoast\WP\ACF\blacklist_type', function ( $blacklist_type ) {
    // text, image etc
    $blacklist_type->add( 'text' );
    $blacklist_type->add( 'image' );
    return $blacklist_type;

Definiere einen bestimmten Überschriftenwert für individuelle Felder

add_filter( 'Yoast\WP\ACF\headlines', function ( $headlines ) {
    // value from 1-6, 1=h1, 6=h6
    $headlines['field_591eb45f2be86'] = 3;
    return $headlines;

Aktualisierungsrate ändern

add_filter( 'Yoast\WP\ACF\refresh_rate', function () {
    // Refresh rates in milliseconds
    return 1000;


1. September 2022
The docs for this plugin say there is a box in the search appearance tab where you can add ‚Custom fields to include in page analysis‘ but that box is no longer included in the plugin. I’ve installed it on three sites now, including one with no other plugins installed other than Yoast, so it doesn’t look like a compatibility issue. No answers on the plugin support page and Yoast will only look into issues for premium subscribers unfortunately. Very frustrating.
Alle 34 Rezensionen lesen

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Released May 23rd, 2023


  • Improves the analysis by excluding content from the URL and email fields.


  • Fixes a bug where the content in ACF fields was not included in the analysis in Classic editor when WordProof plugin was activated.


  • Sets the minimum required Yoast SEO version to 20.8.
  • Sets the minimum required ACF version to 6.0.0.
  • Sets the minimum supported WordPress version to 6.1 and „Tested up to“ to 6.2.
  • Drops compatibility with PHP 5.6, 7.0 and 7.1.


Released December 10th, 2020


  • Fixes a bug where ACF Analysis would fail on term pages when using WordPress 5.6.


Released September 29th, 2020


  • Fixes a bug where the content of ACF fields wouldn’t be included in the SEO and readability analysis when using the Classic Editor plugin.
  • Fixes a bug where changes to the content of ACF fields wouldn’t trigger a live refresh of the SEO and readability analysis.


  • No longer supports ACF versions below 5.7.


Released September 1st, 2020


  • Compatibility with Yoast SEO 14.9.


Released August 4th, 2020


  • Fixes a bug where the content of ACF blocks in ‚auto‘ mode was not taken into account when the block (automatically) switched to preview mode. Props to TimVevida.


Released July 21st, 2020


  • Makes the plugin compatible with JavaScript changes introduced in Yoast SEO 14.6. We used to depend on JavaScript files which aren’t there anymore. We now depend on post-edit.js or term-edit.js.
  • Sets the minimum supported Yoast SEO version to 14.6.


Released June 10th, 2020


  • Fixes a bug where an error would be thrown when using the Classic Editor plugin.
  • Fixes a bug where custom fields were no longer analyzed when using the Classic Editor plugin.


Veröffentlicht am 04. Juni 2020


  • Add support for ACF blocks. Props to TimVevida.


  • Fixes a couple of typos in the code documentation. Props to akkspros.
  • Deprecates Yoast_ACF_Analysis_Facade::get_filter_name(). Use hard-coded hook names instead.
  • Deprecates the yoast-acf-analysis/configfilter hook in favor of theYoast\WP\ACF\config` hook.
  • Deprecates the yoast-acf-analysis/headlines filter hook in favor of the Yoast\WP\ACF\headlines hook.
  • Deprecates the yoast-acf-analysis/blacklist_type filter hook in favor of the Yoast\WP\ACF\blacklist_type hook.
  • Deprecates the yoast-acf-analysis/blacklist_name filter hook in favor of the Yoast\WP\ACF\blacklist_name hook.
  • Deprecates the yoast-acf-analysis/scraper_config filter hook in favor of the Yoast\WP\ACF\scraper_config hook.
  • Deprecates the yoast-acf-analysis/refresh_rate filter hook in favor of the Yoast\WP\ACF\refresh_rate hook.
  • Deprecates the yoast-acf-analysis/field_selectors filter hook in favor of the Yoast\WP\ACF\field_selectors hook.
  • Deprecates the yoast-acf-analysis/field_order filter hook in favor of the Yoast\WP\ACF\field_order hook.


Veröffentlicht am 15. Mai 2019


  • URL-Felder in ACF werden jetzt als Links analysiert. Vielen Dank an t49tran.


Veröffentlicht am 22. Januar 2019


  • Fixes a bug where textarea and non-headline text content would not be wrapped in paragraphs for the analysis. Props skaeser.


  • Introduces the ‚yoast-acf-analysis/field_order‘ filter which allows for adjusting the ACF field order. This also adds the possibility to prepend field content to WordPress‘ post_content using a negative field order. Props skaeser.


Veröffentlicht am 10. Juli 2018

* Fixes a bug where attempting to get the ACF version, wouldn’t always be reliable. This would lead the plugin to think that a newer version was installed than what was actually present.
* Fixes potential conflicts with other plugins due to generic variable naming.
* Fixes a bug where the YoastSEO ACF Content analysis would attempted to be loaded, although it wasn’t available.

* Filter-Beispiele zur Readme hinzugefügt.


Veröffentlicht am 19. Oktober 2017

* Fixes the mismatch in textdomain according to the plugin slug.
* Fixes using an incorrect path when loading plugin data.
* Fixes a bug with flexible content and repeaters, in combination with ACF 5, causing JavaScript errors.
* Fixes a bug with short array notation which is a problem on sites running on PHP 5.3 or lower.
* Fixes a bug where assets are loaded without checking for required dependencies.


Veröffentlicht am 22. August 2017

* Vollständige Neufassung, einschließlich vollständiger Unterstützung für ACF 4 und 5.


Veröffentlicht am 24. Juli 2017

* Fixes Yoast SEO Premium social sharing tabs not showing any content when this plugin is active, props Matt McAchran.


Veröffentlicht am 30. Juni 2016

  • Fehlerbehebungen:

    • Fixes an incompatibility issue with Yoast SEO version 3.2+ where the assets are registered with a new prefix.
  • Internationalisierung:

    • Text in Benachrichtigungen bei fehlenden Abhängigkeiten verbessert.