Filter users in AcyMailing automations based on your own query
Features :
- A simple filter in the automations with the possibility to select the table and columns needed
- An advanced filter in the automations with the possibility to enter an entire sql query to match some users anywhere in your database
- A filter able to extract addresses from a text
- Import users in automations and filter them for the actions
- In your Admin click on your Plugin then „Add New“
- Search for
AcyMailing universal filter
- Find it, install it, enable it
- You’re done!
How to contact us?
Feel free to do it via this form:
Where can I find a documentation?
You can find the complete documentation here:
Für dieses Plugin gibt es keine Rezensionen.
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„Filter users in automations by database query – AcyMailing“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
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1.0 – February 15th, 2021
- Initial version
- Added all base filters in the automations