

Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 11. Januar 2018 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Grund: Sicherheitsproblem.


3. September 2016
Nice plugin to publish on Facebook
3. September 2016
I followed the guide and bumped here: Request the following permissions and supply any other information Facebook requests: publish_actions (required to add links) user_groups (required to add links to groups) manage_pages (required to add links to pages) read_stream (required to show a Facebook activity feed in a widget) I was stuck at „any other information Facebook requests“. FB require some impossible info like: – Screenshots (required) – of what? – Add a screencast (required)- 4 times for user_groups, publish_actions, manage_pages, read_stream. – app icon – … Cmon – I am not wizard, just above average WP user.
3. September 2016 1 Antwort
Wow, I had a few very strange days trying to figure out what was going on with this plug-in, which completely disappeared from the WP repository for a while along with all support and guidance. I see that creator Marcel Bokhorst is not associated with it any longer and a new dev team is in place. Good luck, guys! Thank you for removing ReadyGraph. Yesterday I was forced by the plugin to install it and not long after the plugin prompted me for payment, saying I could only have 100 users associated with my blog without paying them money. I had no intention of paying and didn’t know how my blog would be affected by this. That was an uncomfortable feeling. Today I was asking myself what I needed to do to get rid of ReadyGraph and find an ALTFB alternative, and when I checked, I was delighted to find that it’s back up and running. I really like this plugin. It does a great job and integrates superbly with Facebook.
3. September 2016
Despite using Add Link to Facebook for several years, I am just now getting around to thanking the developers for their work on this excellent plugin. Once set up via the admin panel, you can literally forget about it because it works perfectly and smoothly in the background – without need for me to constantly check whether it’s doing the job correctly. I love this plugin. Thank you for making it available for us.
3. September 2016
Version 2.x is horrible. It doesn’t connect to Facebook at all, and the ReadyGraph stuff is just annoying.
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