

Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 28. April 2020 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Diese Stilllegung ist dauerhaft. Grund: Autor-Anfrage.


28. Juni 2017
Even though the „community“ may have voted for rich text and visual editing support on the text widget, it should have been made optional or allowed overrides for stripping out valid HTML. The developers really dropped the ball on this one. Making changes, such as this, without fully testing is just bad form. Breaking a site with no recourse is simply unacceptable! Even worse is that they just defend their decision, without giving any way around it. Shame! Shame! Shame! At least Alan took the time to figure out how to undo their changes and give us back the control. Thanks, Alan! I sent you a donation for your troubles, sir! 🙂 Ciao! Brandon
24. Juni 2017
I don’t know why they took this option away and make it by default paragraphing the text. In my case, I do not want the paragraph, this plugin saved my site! I am glad I found this plugin!
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