Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 9. Oktober 2024 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Diese Stilllegung ist dauerhaft. Grund: Autor-Anfrage.
16. November 2022
1 Antwort
It is laughable. It does not work on admin panel. It should be called front end admin bar disabler.
17. August 2020
1 Antwort
23. März 2020
Yay, finally a plugin that does this really well… Thank you very much…
23. April 2019
I hate the admin tool bar at the top. And for certain user roles, it’s not necessary to show this bar for them. This plugin does the trick. It even allows you to selectively assign certain roles to display the bar or not.
Thank you for the work.
31. Januar 2018
The only option that works is „Disable for everyone“. Blacklist and Whitelist options do not work.
27. Mai 2017
No problems, great whitelist/blacklist options. I suggest using checkboxes for the options page instead of a multi-select list, however. And adding a radio button to choose between whitelist or blacklist, rather than simply warning that it’ll break if you do both.
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