All-In-One Cufon allows you to replace your standard fonts with whatever font you want. Please, go to the All-In-One Cufon’s page to get more info.
- Easy to use
- Automatic detection of the uploaded fonts
- Preview of the uploaded fonts
- Automatic detection of the fontFamily parameter
- Option to enable only font you really want to use
- Code tips
Version Date Changes
1.3.0 2012/02/05 now filesize of each font is displayed, minor updates, tested for WordPress version 3.3.1
1.2.0 2011/12/13 minor updates, tested for WordPress version 3.3
1.1.1 2010/11/18 cufon-yui.js updated to version 1.09i (IE9 friendly)
1.1.0 2010/08/02 "token issue" causing problem with admin permission from WP 3.0 fixed, HTTP domain loopback problem fixed, scripts are loaded right way (finally *whistles*)
1.0.3 2010/05/03 Fix; I apologize to all users for previous update which messed the plugin up.
1.0.2 2010/04/03 updated links
1.0.1 2010/06/02 added screenshot
1.0 2010/06/02 Initial release
Thanks to all who sent bug reports and ideas for
It is very easy. Upload plugin to the plugins directory and activate.
For more info go to the All-In-One Cufon’s page.
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