

Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 14. Februar 2020 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Diese Stilllegung ist dauerhaft. Grund: Autor-Anfrage.


Dieses Plugin unterstützt 1 Block.

  • amazon-associates-link-builder/aalb-gutenberg-block


22. Januar 2020 4 Antworten
Amazon sent an email just now to all Affiliates. The plugin will not work anymore starting from March 9th 2020, it has been discontinued. I have a blog with over 300 product reviews and now I am supposed to manually convert literally thousands of links! Very bad experience with AALB! 🙁 Nicola
10. Januar 2020 2 Antworten
I’m not sure why so many others are having the „not working“ issue. Possibly it’s related to an API thresh hold where you’re not meeting minimum sales to use the API? I’m using this plugin on at least 5 different niche sites getting decent results. The template system is cool as you can create some of your own (much better) layouts with custom styling. This plugin is the nuts and I’ve wasted way too much time messing about with third party plugins that always go wrong. I would like to see more updates and features added, however! And possibly an invitation to an Amazon Associates event with some free beer?
13. Oktober 2019
From the very first use when searching for a product it sends back the error „You are submitting requests too quickly. Please retry your requests at a slower rate.“ There doesn’t appear to be any solution and it seems this problem has been around for months in the support forums.
1. Oktober 2019
Die erforderliche API kann man nur beantragen, wenn: ❌ 3 qualifizierte Verkäufe in 180 Tagen abgewickelt haben. ❌ ein genehmigtes Parteronto haben. ❌ der Betriebsvereinbarung des Partnerprogramms entsprechen. Alle neuen Amazon-„Partner“ können dieses Widget also gar nicht benutzen. Keiner dieser Punkte ist erfüllt, wenn man sich lediglich beim Partnerprogramm anmeldet, und alle Zahlungsdaten etc. hinterlegt hat.
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