Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 1. Dezember 2024 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Diese Stilllegung ist dauerhaft. Grund: Autor-Anfrage.
24. Januar 2020
It was very good, when it was working, but now it isn’t. Sad.
14. April 2019
Helped me a lot to make my blog more responsive. This will lead to more conversions for sure!
3. September 2016
I would of gave 5 stars but I need to select tablet and mobile and I can only select one device per widget. So this works but that is the only bad thing and I can’t find anything that works for both. I tried others and there is just nothing that hides like they say except this one. If they make it for multiple device selection, then I will give 5 stars.
3. September 2016
This was EXACTLY what I was looking for!! I didn’t expect there to actually be a plugin for this feature, but here it is, and I’m one happy camper. Already tested it out and it works perfectly. Thank you so much!
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