Custom easy plugin call with ATP Call Now
An easy way to edit the call button’s color main and icon, text’s color and background. Setup position left, right, top, bottom. Edit size Call button, change icon for Call button.
Optimized for mobile
Optimized for responsive websites.
Screenshot plugin frontend. Default. Easy custom position. Left-bottom, left-top, right-bottom, right-top. Easy custom color plugin. Can change color main of plugin or change color text, color background text. The ATP Call Now settings page. IPs page need show plugin, link when click, Url icon plugin, size this plugin, color main plugin, text, color background text. The ATP Call Now settings page. Color text, show left or right, show bottom or top, Distance from the border, hide on desktop, hide on mobile.
From your WordPress Dashboard go to ‚Plugins‘ > ‚Add new‘ and search for ‚ATP Call Now‘.
Click ‚Install Now‘ under the title of the ATP Call Now plugin.
- Click activate
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Go to ‚Settings‘ > ‚ATP Call Now‘ and enter your phone number on input Text and enter link tel: on link when click.
Click ‚Save‘ and you’re done!
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„ATP Call Now“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
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1.0.3 – 2020-03-11
- Fix error wpColorPicker js
- Edit file readme.txt
1.0.2 – 2019-05-05
- Edit file readme.txt
1.0.1 – 2018-10-04
- Update images screenshot for this plugin
- Edit file readme.txt
1.0.0 – 2018-10-03
- First time launch