This plugin will automatic add links to technorati tags or your blog’s tags where the words in your post match the tags of that post.
The most greatest things is that the plugin will not actually change your posts‘ content in order to add links, so it will not hurt your posts. If you don’t want to use this plugin, just deactive it, and all links the plugin generated will automatic disapper just like they automatic come out, then your blog will return to its original status.
Go to Settings->Tag to Link for more information.
Rules Of Match
Here are some rules when and how the convert take actions. These rules are only effective after version 0.5
- If you tagged a post ‚hello world‘ ‚hello‘ ‚world‘ and the content of your post is ‚hello world, I’m coming‘, then this plugin will add link to ‚hello‘, ‚world‘, but not ‚hello world‘, because there are links already. The rule can be simplily called Short Tag First.
- If you tagged a post ‚hello world‘ ‚hello‘ ‚world‘ and the content of your post is ‚bigworld, hellod, world‘, then this plugin will add link to the last ‚world‘, and no links will be added to ‚world‘ of ‚bigworld‘, or ‚hello‘ of ‚hellod‘.
- Download the plugin
- Unachinve it
- Upload to wp-content/plugin/
- Login to plugin page and activate it
- Go to Settings->Tag to Link to change the default settings.
Für dieses Plugin gibt es keine Rezensionen.
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