Bambora will now be known as Worldline. As your payment partner, we’re now becoming stronger and better. However, all the things that you love about Bambora will remain the same – the contract, the people, and the solutions.
With Bambora ePay for WooCommerce, you are able to integrate the Bambora Online ePay payment window into your WooCommerce installation and start receiving secure online payments.
- Receive payments securely through the Bambora Online ePay payment window
- Create and handle subscriptions
- Get an overview over the status for your payments directly from your WooCommerce order page.
- Capture your payments directly from your WooCommerce order page.
- Credit your payments directly from your WooCommerce order page.
- Delete your payments directly from your WooCommerce order page.
- Sign up, process, cancel, reactivate and change subscriptions
- Supports WooCommerce 2.6 and up.
- Supports WooCommerce Subscription 2.x, 3.x, 5.x
- Bulk Capture
Go to your WordPress administration page and log in. Example url:
In the left menu click Plugins -> Add new.
Click the Upload plugin button to open the Add Plugins dialog.
Click Choose File and browse to the folder where you saved the file from step 1. Select the file and click Open.
Click Install Now
Click Activate Plugin
In the left menu click WooCommerce -> Settings.
Click the tab Checkout and select ePay
Enter and adjust the settings which are described in the Settings section.
Click Save Changes when done and you are ready to use Bambora Online ePay
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- Support for WooCommerce HPOS (High Performance Order Storage) and WooCommerce 8.2.
- Before upgrading to HPOS, please make sure to make a database backup. HPOS stores the orders in new database tables. Recommending compatibility mode to start with.
- Declare that this module is not yet compatible with WooCommerce HPOS
Defer call to external script also.
Fix for danish language
- Defer call for payment window until script is loaded
- PHP 8, some security changes, remove support for WC below 3.2.
- Send order instead of order id to WPML.
- Makes sure default values are set if WPML is recently installed.
- Adds support for WPML. Subscriptions are not supported for WPML with settings other than default.
- Added support for proxy. Settings for proxy should be made in wp-config.
- Update of logo to Wordline.
- Fix for card image ratio
- Added filter for receipt page
- Add subscription payment meta to allow for subscripts import to map tokens.
- Fix for capture on status complete.
- Added support for setting user-role-based access to Refund, Capture & delete.
- Fix for compatibility with other payment gateways.
- Update of logo
- Security enhancements
- Bug fix in JS file for opening the Payment Window
- Add fix for subscription x free renewals not showing the payment window
- Adds Capture on order status changed to Completed
- Adds Bulk capture on orders by order status Completed
- Fix for no status messages in Administration
- Refactoring of capture, refund and delete flows
- Fix for document ready failed on some themes.
- Adds fix for declineurl using encoded version of &
- Fix for unsupported date/time function in WC below 3.1
- Adds hooks for payment actions like capture, refund and delete
- Code refactoring to comply with WordPress 5.x
- Fix for Payment logos not always displayed as payment description.
- Fix for ordernumber cleaning. It now only supports letters from a-z and all digits
- The payment window can no longer be displayed as an Overlay and will now always be displayed as Full Screen
- Adds support for multiple subscription sign-up
- Fix for Chrome Iframe redirect issue when using mobile payment window
- Adds „Payment Type ID“ to order meta info
- Fix for skipping paymentwindow if switching subscriptions with amount beeing zero
- Fix for invoice error if product quantity is 2 or larger
- Adds Payment Type and logo to Order detail page in the backoffice
- Fix for renewal order status not beeing set to failed when subscription payments fails
- Refactoring of module to comply with WooCommerce 3.x and WooCommerce Subscription 2.x standards
- Adds Change payment for subscriptions
- Adds Reactivation of failed subscriptions
- Adds Reactivation of canceled subscriptions
- Removed support for multiple-subscriptions
- Improved information flow
- Improved error handling
- Adds filter to callback url and callback completion
- Changed payment icons
- Code cleanup and performance enhancement
- Updates orders from earlier modules to comply with new standards
- Labels and Translations updated
- Adds support for WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers
- Adds debug logging with access from module configuration page
- Refactoring of invoice lines
- Refactoring of order actions
- Fix for transaction id not being saved in Woocommerce 3.x
- Adds check for bambora subscription id
- Changed bambora Logo size and css
- Fix for using wrong Helper class
- Improved quality for Bambora logo
- Improved quality for Bambora payment type logos
- Adds rounding option in module configuration
- Adds more language codes
- Refactoring of module css files
- Fixes bug where a failed subscription cancellation could cause an unhandled exception
- Updates translations
- Adds support for WooCommerce 3.0
- Fix for different property name between subscription and payment.asmx on pbsError
- Fix for refund keeps spinning and not reloading page.
- Fix for ePay callback keeps posting when order is completed
- Module name changed from woocommerce-gateway-epay-dk to bambora-online-classic
- Code refactored to comply with WordPress code standard
- Translations changed to fit the new module name
- Fix for wrong parameter pbsresponse
- Adds readme.txt for marketplace integration
- Adds support for nb_NO
- Fix for subscription_cancellation throwing exception
- Fix for WooCommerce Subscription deprecation and errors
- Removed support for WooCommerce Subscription 1.x
- Adds Cancelation of Subscriptions
- Adds check for missing module configuration settings
- Fix for ePay error get error messages
- Adds calculation of minor units based on currency
- Adds Mobile payment window toggle
- Removed translations of module configuration settings
- Adds better handling of invoice data
- Code refactoring
- Adds icons for available payment types to the checkout page description
- Updates the admin order ePay panel with new styling and additional information on the payment
- Adds CSS styling
- Fixes error handling on failed API calls
- Fixes various minor issues
- Adds support for WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.0+
- Improves compatibility with other payment gateway modules.
- Fixes potential Undefined Index error
- Fix for wrong rounding on soap request
- Fix for Undefined index: enableinvoice and preg_replace(/e) deprecation
- Fix for no translation of texts
- Fix for order update on callback with custom order status
- Fix for German language
- Add language Norwegian (Bookm&aoml;l)
- Add extended cms info on payment request
- Add error description on failed subscriptions
- Code cleanup
- WooCommerce Subscription upgraded to 2.0
- Module structural changes and minor bug fixes