Beschreibung is a social sharing and bookmarking site for entrepreneurs and small businesses. The BizSugar community is passionate about sharing the freshest, most pertinent content about marketing, finance, franchising, global business environments, legal topics, management, startup tips, and technology.
Add a BizSugar voting button to your website to encourage readers to share your content with the rest of the BizSugar community. Visitors to your site can submit your posts to BizSugar, or vote on your story if it has already been submitted. The button automatically updates the vote count on the site.
This plugin gives you customization options for where to place the button in your posts and offers 4 different styles/sizes of voting buttons. This plugin has been updated and tested for recent versions of WordPress.
Upload the plugin to your blog, or automatically install the plugin by searching for plugins through the WordPress dashboard. Plugin configuration is available under the Settings menu from the WordPress dashboard.
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„ Vote Button“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
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- Replace outdated button with a more updated look
- Add the ability to add the button through PHP
- First public release