Booster Pack for Beaver Builder add a lot of new modules to Beaver Builder’s default module collection. These new modules allows to design website layouts with more creativity.
All the module have extensive capabilities of styling that allows to match them with your theme’s look and feel. These modules also utilise latest Beaver Builder features like responsive controls, advance color pickets and many more.
Here is the list of modules that you will get with this plugin.
— Make sure you also have Beaver Builder plugin installed and activated —
1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ screen in WordPress
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- New Module: Advanced Google Map (With support for Snazzy Maps)
- New Module: Info Box
- New Module: Image Box
- Fix : Primary and secondary Color issue in Social Icon Module
- Fix : Icon align issue in Social Icon Module
- Fix : Text align issue in Split Text Module
- Fix : Button padding issue in Flip Box Module
- Fix : Load issue in Before – After Image Module
- Fix : Slider Icon Alignment on slider move, issue in Before – After Image Module
Initial Plugin Launch