BreezeTact adds quick call-to-actions on mobile i.e. phone, email, map and lets users get in touch at the click of a button. Users have the ability to select background color of their choice for the icons as well as color of the icons. The 3 icons would show at the bottom on mobile devices. After the installation, the background color for the icons and other information such as phone number, email and map location can be set up. The BreezeTact watermark would show in the admin settings page as well as the frontend underneath the icons if it is enabled through the admin settings by checking the „Enable Watermark“. Otherwise, it is hidden by default.
Follow these steps:
- Upload the folder
to your plugin directory - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Done. You will see „BreezeTact Interface“ tab on the left side, where you can click and change information relating to the icons.
- Installation Instructions
Follow these steps:
- Upload the folder
to your plugin directory - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Done. You will see „BreezeTact Interface“ tab on the left side, where you can click and change information relating to the icons.
- Upload the folder
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- Icon Logo Updated