Custom post display like image, title, cotnent.
Select the post from category you want.
Order by recent post, popular post
Shortcode : [c4d-post-show image_size=“thumbnail“ category=“category-id“ count=“10″][/c4d-post-show]
List params:
- image_size: set the image size, default is thumbnail
- category: (integer) select the category id you want, if you do not set this value, latest posts will be showed
- count: (integer) the number post will be showed
- layout: you can add a layout in your_theme/c4d-post-show/templates/yourlayout.php. Then you can use layout=“yourlayout“
- cols: (integer 1->12) The posts will be display in row with columns that you want.
- loadmore: (integer) insert the number post will be load next
- loadmore_text: (text) the text of load more button
- order: (featured/popular/comment). Popular order need C4D Post View plugin
- display_date: (1/0) Show date of post
- display_views: (1/0) Show the number view of post
- display_category: (1/0) Show the category of post
- display_content: (1/0) Show the excerpt of post
- human_date: (1/0) change date to format like „2 weeks ago“
To use full features, please install and active C4D Plugin Manager and Redux Framework
This plugin is used in C4D Vision – Responsive WooCommerce Theme
You can view here
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Installation Instructions
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Upload
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