Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Caldera Forms Translation


Translate Caldera Forms fields.

What it does:

  • Translate form field labels, descriptions, default values and option values for select, checkbox, toggle switch, radio and auto-complete fields.
  • Adds a language picker field.
  • Translate the message displayed after a successful form submission.

One form, all the languages you need.

  • Documentation
  • Requires Caldera Forms 1.4.4 or later.
  • Now supports language switching via WPML


  • Install as a WordPress plugin and activate


Installation Instructions
  • Install as a WordPress plugin and activate


23. Juli 2020
Why are there so many bad experiences here with this translation plugin for Caldera Forms? Maybe it’s a bit misleading that there is a notice that says that this plugin would be compatible with WPML? My experience is that it works well with the free Polylang plugin. Only it doesn’t work for the message when sending a form successfully. Maybe this is because that is not a form field? This can still be solved by using a filter script in the functions.php of the used theme. Even for a plugin that is more than 3 years old I think it deserves at least 5 stars. But in combination with free Polylang!
13. Dezember 2018
I say this, on a positive note, because I have it working well in combination with WPML. I won’t say it’s brilliant, as I like it to be from Caldera looking at the Forms UI and UX, but I realised that making a form for each language separately wasn’t the answer to my predicament of servicing three languages (originally four). I got it to work, it needed some tweaking in the form as well -Auto Responder in three languages and a two conditions (to serve English or German or not at all, which would be our default: Dutch)- and that’s all. Some more attention to Translations would be appreciated from Caldera after reading the other reviews.
27. Juni 2018
I don’t like giving negative reviews. But because I love Caldera Forms so much, I am hoping this is rather considered as positive crit rather than a negative review. While it is great that you offer a free translation plugin ( I was soooo excited), it is very confusing and not user friendly at all. I do believe, if you used this plugin to rather bridge the gap between PolyLang or WPML or other translation plugins, it would be WAAAAY better. As it stands, maintaining translations is time consuming. Now to create a translation on every form and field… No… does not work for me. Too tedious. I landed up rebuilding my contact forms into the languages I need manually. (I have large contact forms). BUT—-Thank you for Caldra forms. The greatest form builder available.
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See: https://calderaforms.com/updates/caldera-forms-translation-1-2-1
* Fix bug affecting language switcher JavaScript loading.
* Fix bug preventing language from being switched more than once.


See: https://calderaforms.com/updates/caldera-forms-translation-1-2-0
* Complete rebuild of translations interface.
* Translate successful submission message.


See: https://calderaforms.com/updates/caldera-forms-translation-1-1-1
* FIXED – Translations not saving with recent versions of Caldera Forms.
* ADDED – Switch languages via WPML.
* ADDED – Use a less locale language when needed. For example, if you have a translation for „es“ and current language is „es_PE“ and no „es_PE“ is present, „es“ will be used.


  • Translate select field options.


  • First release to WordPress.org