Cart Catch allows WooCommerce stores to recover lost sales due to cart abandonment.
We use customisable, branded, personalised email campaigns to draw customers back to your store who failed to check out.
Completely free.
Easily start, pause, and analyze cart abandonment campaigns from the dashboard. Use the easy live editor to update email text, colors, and formatting. Follow your site visitors in real time as they checkout, abandon carts, and return to make purchases. Abandonment emails are fine tuned for increased conversions, see an example.
- Create an account at to receive your store ID and secret key.
- Install and activate the plugin. Enter your store ID and secret key in the setup screen.
- Open a new window on your store, add some items to your cart, visit the checkout page, add your email address, and close the window. We’ll send you an email to remind you to checkout.
- That’s it! Start recovering sales.
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