Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Block Editor Kit for Contact Form 7 – CF7 Blocks


CF7 Blocks is the ultimate solution for integrating Contact Form 7 with the WordPress block editor. With CF7 Blocks, you can easily create and customize contact forms within the familiar block editor interface. No more fiddling with shortcodes or HTML – just drag and drop blocks to build your forms exactly how you want them.

CF7 Blocks comes with a variety of pre-designed form templates to choose from, making it even easier to get started. And with full integration with Contact Form 7, all your form submissions will be saved and managed in the same place as before.

Don’t waste any more time trying to fit your forms into the old editor – upgrade to CF7 Blocks and take advantage of the power and flexibility of the block editor today!


  • Screenshot 1
  • Screenshot 2
  • Screenshot 3
  • Screenshot 4
  • Screenshot 5


Make sure you have Contact Form 7 plugin installed to use CF7 Blocks.`

  1. Install Contact Form 7 if it is not already installed.
  2. Install CF7 Blocks either via the WordPress.org plugin repository or by uploading the files to your server.
  3. Activate CF7 Blocks.
  4. Create a new form.


How do I create a form with CF7 Blocks?

To create a new form with CF7 Blocks, follow these steps:

  1. From the WordPress dashboard, go to Contact > Add New.
  2. You will notice new block editor interface to create forms.
  3. Choose the form template you want to use, and continue from there.
  4. Click the „Publish“ button to save your form.

Is CF7 Blocks compatible with the Classic Editor?

CF7 Blocks is designed to work exclusively with the WordPress block editor. It is not compatible with the Classic Editor.


22. Dezember 2023 5 Antworten
I was so happy with this plugin. It made CF7 so much more user friendly. But in March 2023 the plugin broke and forms are no longer editable. The author has not touched this code for 11 months.
19. Januar 2023
really a great idea!I think it has been activated recently and therefore very simple overall. But I consider the project really valid as cf7 is a tool of great importance. I hope the gutenberg tool can be implemented in the final email template as well. Great project and thanks for the plugin!
12. Januar 2023 1 Antwort
Contact Form 7 is my favorite contact form plugin for WordPress, although it’s not a secret that its interface is not the most comfortable to use, especially for novice users. This plugin is a great success to modernize its interface and bring CF7 closer to more users.
11. Januar 2023 2 Antworten
Hi I’ve used several free and a couple paid form builders in WordPress over the last decade. This is now my go to solution on multiple sites for all new forms. Plus, I’ve now replaced one form builder on a site and replaced all forms. I think the design choice to focus on an easy UI for building with blocks and leverage the power of CF7 run the form is a great technical choice.
11. Januar 2023 1 Antwort
The people who already work with the block editor will like how now the CF7 form fields turned into blocks. Especially good are also the layout options with columns, groups, row, stack blocks, as well as separators and spacers. I also really liked the full screen view!!! Good Work!
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Fix: Added support for legacy theme (that fixes the loading issue).
Fix: Field label formatting issue.
Fix: Minor bugs


Initial release.