

Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 30. Dezember 2024 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Diese Stilllegung ist vorübergehend, es wird auf eine vollständige Prüfung gewartet.


3. September 2016 5 Antworten
I am a blogger whose strategy is driven by contests. But they are the bane of my existence. Communicating how to enter my contests, how to submit, who won. It’s usually so much work! Competition form helped me to completely automate a contest for the first time! The set-up is fairly simple. If you have Contact Form 7, you just create an entry form as a contact form and save it. Then in Competition Form you link the form to a competition. The plug-in allows you to select a random winner and even lets you set parameters (such as filtering out responses you got after a set deadline). I’m still trying to figure out if I can set it up to remove duplicate entries. If it does, that’s a slam dunk for me. Great plug-in that makes my job easy!
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