If you are tired of dealing with contact form spam and looking for a simple yet effective solution, then 👇
Download the ✨Honeypot for Contact Form 7✨ plugin right NOW!
Don’t take our word for it; look at our massive community of 400,000+ WordPress users who trust this anti-spam plugin to prevent Contact Form 7 spam submissions without compromising user experience.
Wait, there is more to it! 😃👇
Unlike traditional methods like using CAPTCHA for WordPress Contact Form 7, the honeypot plugin works silently in the background. By adding an invisible honeypot field to your contact form, it catches spam bots without bothering your visitors.
Plus, the plugin’s submission time check feature further enhances Contact Form 7 spam prevention by blocking bots that submit forms too quickly.
Simply put, with this honeypot contact form solution, you can rest assured that only legitimate submissions reach your inbox.
What is a Honeypot Trap❔
In the context of contact form spam protection, a honeypot trap is a hidden field in your contact form designed to catch spambots. Contrary to humans, bots automatically fill out every field in a form, whether it’s visible or not. When a bot fills in the honeypot field, the plugin recognizes it as a spam submission and discards it.
For example, in the Honeypot for Contact Form 7, the plugin adds an invisible field to your Contact Form 7 form. Human users will never see this field, but spambots will. When a bot tries to submit the form, it unknowingly fills out this field, triggering the honeypot spam trap. This is how the plugin efficiently filters out unwanted spam without bothering genuine users.
How does Honeypot for Contact Form 7 work?
The concept behind the Honeypot for Contact Form 7 plugin is simple yet highly effective in preventing contact form spam.
Here’s a closer look at how the plugin works:
✔️ Honeypot Field: The plugin adds an invisible honeypot field to your Contact Form 7 forms. This field is invisible to human visitors but visible to spambots.
✔️ Spam Detection: When a bot fills out this invisible honeypot field, the submission is flagged as spam and discarded before it reaches your inbox.
✔️ Submission Time Check: Spambots typically submit forms within seconds. The plugin checks how quickly the form is submitted, and if it’s faster than a user-defined threshold, it’s marked as spam.
By combining these features, we have created a powerful Contact Form 7 honeypot solution that effectively blocks bots while allowing genuine users to submit their forms seamlessly.
Why Should You Install Honeypot for Contact Form 7?
The Honeypot for Contact Form 7 plugin is an excellent choice for website owners who want to block contact form spam without adding extra steps for users.
Following are some of the reasons why you should consider installing this plugin:
✅ No Annoying Captchas: Instead of traditional CAPTCHA WordPress Contact Form 7 solutions, the honeypot spam protection field is invisible to users, providing a frictionless experience.
✅ Highly Effective: The plugin’s honeypot field and submission time check effectively block spam submissions, keeping your inbox clean.
✅ Easy to Use: Setting up the honeypot contact form plugin is extremely simple and doesn’t require any technical expertise.
With over 400,000 active installs, this anti spam form plugin has a proven track record of success in eliminating the Contact Form 7 spam problem.
Requirements for Honeypot for CF7
To use Honeypot for Contact Form 7, you’ll need the following:
☑️ Contact Form 7 Version 3.0+: This plugin is compatible with Contact Form 7 version 3.0 and above. However, we recommend using the latest CF7 version for better spam tracking.
☑️ WordPress: The plugin is compatible with WordPress version 4.8 or higher. For better security and compatibility, make sure you’re running the latest version of WordPress.
☑️ Flamingo Plugin (Optional): To track spam submissions and improve Contact Form 7 spam prevention, we recommend using Flamingo alongside this honeypot plugin.
Support / Socials
Support can be found here. Follow us on Twitter and on Facebook for updates and news.
Privacy Policy
We respect the user’s data privacy, which is why the Honeypot for Contact Form 7 plugin does not track users, store personal information, or send data to external servers. The plugin does not use cookies and functions solely as an add-on for Contact Form 7.
For additional privacy details, please refer to Contact Form 7’s privacy policy.
Download Legacy/Old Versions – If Needed
We have designed the latest version of Honeypot for Contact Form 7 to work with the most recent versions of Contact Form 7 and WordPress. However, if you are using older versions, you can access previous versions of this honeypot plugin by clicking „Advanced View“ on the plugin’s page and scrolling to the bottom.
Although it is possible to use older versions, we strongly recommend upgrading to the latest versions of WordPress, Contact Form 7, and the honeypot spam plugin to ensure the best protection against contact form spam.
- Installiere es mit der WordPress-Funktion „Plugin hinzufügen“ – suche einfach nach „Honeypot for Contact Form 7“.
- Stelle sicher, dass Contact Form 7 installiert und aktiviert ist. Dann aktiviere dieses Plugin.
- Bearbeite ein Formular in Contact Form 7.
- Wähle „Honeypot“ aus dem CF7 Tag Generator. Empfehlung: ändere die ID des Honeypot-Elements.
- Füge das generierte Tag irgendwo in deinem Formular ein. Das zusätzliche Feld wird mittels inline CSS vor deinen Besuchern versteckt.
Die Honeypot HTML Ausgabe anpassen [FORTGESCHRITTEN]
Während die Grundeinstellungen für die meisten Leute genügen sollten, haben wir mehrere Filter eingebaut, womit Du die Honeypot-Felder weiter anpassen kannst.
Die drei verfügbaren Filter sind:
– Adjusts the default text for the (hidden) accessibility message (can now be done on the settings page).wpcf7_honeypot_container_css
– Passt das CSS an, das auf den honeypot Container angewendet wird um diesen versteckt zu halten.wpcf7_honeypot_html_output
– Passt die vollständige HTML Ausgabe des Honeypot Elements an.
Für passende Beispiele hierzu schaue dir bitte diesen Rezept Gist an.
Wird dieses Plugin allen Spam abhalten, den ich über Kontaktformulare bekomme?
Wahrscheinlich nicht. Aber es soll ihn so weit reduzieren, dass du auf zusätzliche Anti-Spam-Mittel verzichten kannst (CAPTCHA, Mathematikfragen, usw.).
Sind Honeypots besser als CAPTCHAs?
Dies hängt weitestgehend von der Qualität des CAPTCHAs ab. Unglücklicherweise werden schwerer zu knackende CAPTCHAs zunehmen benutzerunfreundlicher. Dieses Honeypot-Modul wurde geschaffen, weil ich es nicht mag, wenn CAPTCHAs meine Formulare zumüllen. Meine Empfehlung: Probier erst dieses Modul aus, und falls es nicht genügend Spam ausfiltert, wende komplexere Anti-Spam-Techniken an.
Kann ich mehrere Honeypot-Felder in meinem Formular verwenden?
You sure can, and many users have indicated this helps stop even more spam, as it increases your chances a bot will get caught in the trap. Just make sure each Honeypot field has a unique name.
Kann ich den HTML Code beeinflussen, den das Plugin erzeugt?
Jawohl! Schau Dir den Abschnitt Installation für mehr Details an und besuche diesen Gist für Beispiele.
Mein Formular wird mit einem W3C-Validierungswerkzeug nicht erfolgreich validiert
As of version 2.0, this shouldn’t be the case any longer. However, if it is for some reason, there is a simple work around. See here for details.
Funktioniert dieses Plugin mit Flamingo?
You bet! If the honeypot trap is triggered, an email isn’t sent, but the form submission is added to the spam section of Flamingo so you can review what tripped things up.
Why do you have affiliate ads on your settings page?
I realize not everyone loves ads, but daddy’s gotta pay the bills. I’m extremely grateful to the numerous users that have donated to the plugin’s development over the years, and while that’s awesome, I don’t think donations will ever come remotely close to covering the time and effort it takes to maintain and support a plugin that now has nearly 1.5 million downloads and more than 400,000 active installs.
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„Honeypot for Contact Form 7 — Protect Contact Form 7 spam with ease! [100% FREE Anti-Spam Plugin]“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
Mitwirkende„Honeypot for Contact Form 7 — Protect Contact Form 7 spam with ease! [100% FREE Anti-Spam Plugin]“ wurde in 23 Sprachen übersetzt. Danke an die Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzer für ihre Mitwirkung.
Interessiert an der Entwicklung?
Durchstöbere den Code, sieh dir das SVN Repository an oder abonniere das Entwicklungsprotokoll per RSS.
2.1.7 October, 13, 2024
- Fixed compatibility issues with CF7 6.0
- Tested compatibility with latest WordPress (Version 6.7)
2.1.6 October, 05, 2024
- Fixed compatibility issues with CF7 6.0
2.1.5 September, 25, 2024
- Removed warning from CF7 when honeypot is added.
2.1.4 August, 22, 2024
- Added new dependency feature.
- Localized date settings in settings page
- Added new datatable which shows a honeypot used in from or not.
2.1.3 July 01, 2024
- Tweak: Updated old URLs
Changed contributor to WPExperts
Fixes small bug when enabling in bulk with other plugins.
Added new feature: additional submission time check to improve bot-stopping power! Also, fixed small HTML issue and tidied up shortcode interface.
Improved backwards compatibility. Solves issues when plugin installed on older versions of CF7.
Better error checking for missing config problems.
General code cleanup, better adherence to WP coding standards and fixes for i18n functions.
Replaced text domain constant with plain string for better i18n compatability.
Hotfix for issue with options not being set on upgrade.
A significant update with a bunch of new things. Please see the release notes.
Minor update to change name to comply with CF7 copyright notice.
Added do-not-store for when forms are stored in the DB (i.e. Flamingo). Improved wrapper ID masking and customization.
Zusätzliche Funktionalität für die Verbesserung der Anti-Spam-Wirksamkeit.
Introduces ability to force W3C compliance. See here for details.
Addresses accessibility concerns regarding a missing label and disables autocomplete to prevent browser autocomplete functions from filling in the field.
Aktualisierungen für Funktionen-/Klassenanpassungen in Zusammenhang mit CF7 4.6. Lokaler Sprachsupport entfernt, stattdessen wird verwendet.
I18n support hinzugefügt, Französisches Sprachpaket. Danke chis-kns
wpcf7_honeypot_accessibility_message und wpcf7_honeypot_container_css filters hinzugefügt, i18n Unterstützung
Provides backwards compatibility for pre-CF7 4.2, introduces ability to remove accessibility message.
Quick fix release to fix PHP error introduced in 1.6.3.
Updates to accommodate changes to the CF7 editor user interface.
Small change to accommodate validation changes made in CF7 4.1.
Small change to accommodate changes made in CF7 3.9.
Quite a lot of code clean-up. This shouldn’t result in any changes to the regular output, but it’s worth checking your forms after updating. Also, you’ll note that you now have the ability to add a custom CLASS and ID attributes when generating the Honeypot shortcode (in the CF7 form editor).
Added filter hook for greater extensibility. See installation section for more details.
Update to make compatible with WordPress 3.8 and CF7 3.6. Solves problem of unrendered honeypot shortcode appearing on contact forms.
Update to improve outputted HTML for better standards compliance when the same form appears multiple times on the same page.
Small update to add better i18n and WPML compatibility.
Small update for W3C compliance. Thanks Jeff.
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