Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 7. März 2024 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Grund: Sicherheitsproblem.
23. Oktober 2023
Didn’t work. Showed my posts – but didn’t find any comments in them, even when they were there. I clicked the move button thinking it might move them all – but got a critical site error. So I uninstalled it.
27. August 2023
This is a really great plugin for most casual WordPress users, BUT unfortunately it only supports the standard WordPress posts or pages. It doesn’t work for custom post types. I really need it to work for LearnDash lessons, but it isn’t compatible :'(
15. August 2023
This plugin does not דSupport custom post types. Only Wordpress default posts and pages.
10. August 2023
This plugin was very helpful to move comments between posts and pages.
23. Juni 2023
hi, how can I see custom post type comments, I want to move page comments to custom post type,
I see now only page and post
19. Juli 2022
I try move all file from radio to Playlist and happen all file moved but not url stream from radio or cover from radio station
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