This very simple plugin generates a Bitly shortlink and saves it to your WordPress database.
It does this via two different methods:
- Publish a page or post for the first time
- Click the generate all button
How do I get a Bitly API token?
You’ll need to register for an account with Bitly. Once you’ve got one, take a look at this guide on getting your API token.
Where do I enter my Bitly API token?
Login to the WordPress Dashboard, Settings, then Reading. Scroll to the bottom and you’ll see „DanP Bitly URLs: API Token“. Enter your token and click save.
How do I generate a new Bitly short URL?
- Publish a new post or page for the first time
- Login to the WordPress Dashboard, Settings, then Reading. Scroll to the bottom and you’ll see „DanP Bitly URLs: API Token“. Click the „Update all short URLs“ button.
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- This is the first version!
- API token is now checked for validity on saving that option
- Shortcode to output Bitly shortened URL introduced