
Plugin for making FAQ page by just pasting shortcode [EFAQ question = „“ answer = „“] here in place of question and answer you can place your data and copy shortcode as much as time and use.

How to Use

After Installing paste [EFAQ question = „“ answer = „“] and pass your data in question and answer fields and paste in your page.


It can run on any wordpress version.


  • This is the second screen shot


How exactly EasyFAQ works?

It takes two parameter question and its answer and create a card like toggle and shows data accordingly.

What happend if i paste shortcode without parameter ?

It will show default questions and answer.


Für dieses Plugin gibt es keine Rezensionen.

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= 1.2=
1)Admin settings are created admin can manage following settings:
*Can set width of the cards.
*Can set card header color.
*Can set card fonts color.


  • A change since the previous version.