An easy peasy way to insert Google Adsense ads into your WordPress posts and pages.
All you need to do is put your Google Adsense code into the boxes provided and then put the corresponding tag into the post, page or sidebar widget that you wish it to appear.
You can put as many of the 3 ads over your pages as you need to.
Update to PRO Version Easy Peasy Adsense PRO
A full guide to install can be found here
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
- Go to Add New from the Plugins menu
- Choose Upload and browse to the zip file locally on your computer where you have saved the copy of
- Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
- Enter up to three advert adsense code (one per box) in the text boxes on the right.
- Click Update options1
- In the post or page you want the advert to appear enter one of the three below depending which ad you want to see.
Upgrade to PRO – Easy Peasy Adsense PRO
A full guide to install can be found [here] ( „Martin“)
- How many google ads can it take?
Up to 3 various adsense ads can be used but you can put the code to refer to the ads as many times as you like in your pages. For more you can upgrade to
- My ads look wrong. Whats up with them?
You have to make sure you get the right ad format from your Google Adsense code for the area where your ads are being displayed. For example, if you are putting an ad in a sidebar widget, you’re probably best with a tall skyscraper advert rather than a 600 pixel wide image ad. Try a few out to see what looks best. Don’t forget to take into account the colour or the shape of the corners of the advert to keep it in theme with your page style.
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- Initial release
- Adsense text removed from default field. Replaced with current ad text.
- Couple of bugs ironed out with some ads not appearing
- Tested working with WordPress 2.9.2
- Minor fix
- WordPress 5.2.2 update
- Easy Peasy Adsense PRO integration
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