Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 24. Mai 2019 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Grund: Richtlinienverletzung.
28. August 2017
It’s classic, like back in the 1990’s. Retro, cool and useful.
12. Mai 2017
The plugin is easy to install and does what it should.
But unfortunately you can not adjust from what number the counter starts.
For an existing site this is very unfavorable.
In addition, the settings for the appearance are not practical. You can only choose from standard fonts. For most themes this is not enough. You can not adopt default setting from the theme or just leave it blank.
30. April 2017
… but not much setting.
13. Februar 2017
I can not even install it.
Getting massive Errors during installation…
13. Februar 2017
nice plugin
3. September 2016
Easy to install and works perfect! Great job. Thanks
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