Easy Woocommerce Brands plugin allow you to add brands to your WooCommerce products on your website with any WordPress theme
- Easy to use and 100% Free.
- Lightweight plugin
- Add unlimited Brands
- Assign multiple brands to your one product.
- Display brand name, images and both on a Product page.
- Brands Widget.
- Display all brands on page using shortcode.
- 100% Responsive design
- Add logos to your brands.
- Custom Permalink.
- Brand image Width and Height.
- Custom Brand Position.
Easy Woocommerce Brands for Style 1(Text). Easy Woocommerce Brands for Style 2(Image). Easy Woocommerce Brands for Style 3(Both). Managing Brands section. Assign brand/brands to product. Settings of Easy woocommerce brand plugin. Widget settings. Display brands widget. Display all brands on page using shortcode.
- Upload easy-woocommerce-brands plugin to the
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
How to Choose Brand Style
- Go the the ‘Product->EWB Setting’
- Choose style of the brand (Text/ Image)
What about Style 1 (Text)?
If you choose text style that’s means, you show a brands name on a single product page. (Example: Brands: Iphone, Samsung, Nokia)
What about Style 2 (Image)?
If you choose Image style that’s means, you show a brand images on a single product page. (Example: Brands: Iphone(Image), Samsung(Image), Nokia(Image))
What about Style 3 (Both)?
If you choose Both style that’s means, you show a brand name and images on a single product page.
How to show brands on a single page?
You can use this shortcode to display all brands on single page. [easy_woocommerce_brands_page]
It supports Title Parameter to show only Title and Title with Counts or hide Title. You can pass 1, 2 or 3.[easy_woocommerce_brands_page title=“1″]
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