EventPrime is an easy-to-use, modern WordPress Events Calendar plugin. With the EventPrime events plugin, you can publish new events on your website in a few simple clicks. Just pick a date on the Events Calendar in the WordPress Dashboard area, and start creating your event! Publish free, as well as paid events by enabling Bookings from EventPrime’s event settings.
Some of the top EventPrime features include:
- Supports multi-day and recurring events.
- Event Calendar features month, week, agenda and day views.
- Accept payments for bookings via PayPal and Stripe.
- Option zur Erstellung mehrerer Ticketarten und -kategorien für Ihre Veranstaltungen mit dem eingebauten Modul zur Erstellung von Tickets.
- Fügen Sie Eintrittsgelder und Gebühren pro Ticket hinzu.
- Erstellen Sie Angebote auf der Grundlage verschiedener Bedingungen.
- Sie können auch Informationsveranstaltungen ohne Buchungen erstellen.
- Veranstaltungsverzeichnisse und -einträge mit modernen Suchwerkzeugen für Ihre Besucher.
- Multi-user role-based or anonymous frontend event submissions.
- Event Types or Event Categories with attributes.
- Custom Presenters or Performers with photos and attributes.
- Buchungsmanager zur Verwaltung von Buchungen über das Dashboard.
- Custom user checkout fields.
- Mehrere Ereignisansichten zur Anpassung an Ihr WordPress-Theme.
- Support for virtual and online events.
- Große Anzahl vollständig anpassbarer E-Mail-Vorlagen.
- A variety of widgets suitable for all themes.
- Dedizierter Frontend-Benutzerbereich für die Buchungsverwaltung, das Auflisten von Wünschen und das Herunterladen/Ausdrucken von Tickets.
- Und noch viel mehr!
EventPrime also offers a wide selection of free and premium extensions for all your requirements.
Bei Problemen, Fehlern, Funktionswünschen und allgemeiner Hilfe wende dich bitte an unseren großartigen Support!
Cheers, EventPrime Team
With our WordPress events plugin, you now have an advanced event management system to create and manage an event list the way you always wanted! No more difference between the dashboard WordPress event calendar and the calendar that is visible to your visitors on the front-end. The Event Calendar on the front-end will appear exactly the way you configure it from the dashboard area. Finally, a WordPress Events Calendar plugin which works effortlessly! Event management in WordPress was never this easy, thanks to the EventPrime events plugin.
EventPrime is a WordPress Events Calendar plugin that supports free event bookings, paid event bookings, single day events, multi-day events, event performers, event venues and locations, event gallery, event registration, event calendar widget and a lot more. Check out our Starter Guide to get up and running with this awesome event manager tool.
If you want more out of our new WordPress events plugin, do check out its Extensions. We have added Live Seating, Event Sponsors, Stripe Payments, Offline Payments, Event Coupon Codes, Invoices and a lot more planned for the future!
EventPrime Backend
Events Calendar View
- Fully editable modern events calendar view.
- Erstellen oder bearbeiten von Veranstaltungen direkt im Veranstaltungskalender-Plugin.
- Click on a date on the dashboard WordPress event calendar to open the Add Event popup form.
- Set Event Start and End Dates, All Day Event, Bookings Status, Booking Price, Event Type, Event Site, and Performer(s) from the Add Event Popup.
- View events on the WordPress calendar as colored bars spanning from the start date to the end date of the event.
- The color of the event is inherited from Event Type color, making it easy to quickly identify events of different types on your main calendar and WordPress calendar widget.
- Hover cursor above an existing event on the WordPress calendar to view its details in a quick popover.
- Drag and drop events from one date block to another in the WordPress event calendar to quickly change event dates.
- Click on an exiting event in the calendar to open the Edit Event popup, allowing you to edit event details on the fly.
- Click on the Dashboard link from the Event Details Pop-up to access Event Dashboard for complete event management toolkit. You’ll find all options associated with an event in the Event Dashboard for detailed event configuration.
- Change view of the Events Calendar to Month, Week, Day and Agenda.
- Weitere Ereignisansichten sind: Quadratisches Raster, gestaffeltes Raster (Mauerwerk), gestapelte Reihen und Ereignisschieber.
- From event settings, you can fine tune your event properties.
- Veranstaltungstyp für die Kategorisierung von Veranstaltungen festlegen.
- Füge eine Beschreibung hinzu, damit deine Teilnehmer im Detail wissen, worum es bei der Veranstaltung geht.
- Upload featured image for the event.
- Upload multiple images for the event gallery.
- Wählen Sie zwischen der Option, Buchungen auf Ihrer eigenen Website zu hosten oder auf eine externe Buchungswebsite umzuleiten oder die Buchungen komplett abzuschalten.
- If bookings are enabled, you can set specific booking start and end dates with times.
- Enable or disable displaying the event booking status on the frontend.
- Stornierungen von Buchungen zulassen oder deaktivieren.
- Blende die Veranstaltung im Veranstaltungskalender-Widget aus oder ein.
- Blende die Veranstaltung im Veranstaltungskalender des Frontends aus oder ein.
- Write a custom note on the event page to display to the event page visitors and attendees.
Erweiterte Veranstaltungseinstellungen
Neben den regulären Ereigniseinstellungen gibt es zahlreiche erweiterte Einstellungen, mit denen Sie jede Art von Ereignis gestalten können, die Sie sich vorstellen können! Dazu gehören:
- Fügen Sie neben dem Start- und Enddatum weitere Daten für das Event hinzu.
- Erstellen Sie Ticketkategorien, wobei jede Kategorie mehrere Ticketarten enthalten kann.
- Legen Sie die Kapazität oder den Bestand für Ihre Tickets fest.
- Erstellen Sie Angebote für jede Ticketart mit vordefinierten Bedingungen. Fördern Sie Ihre Verkäufe mit automatischen Frühbucher- und Last-Minute-Angeboten und anderen Kombinationen.
- Definiere die Sichtbarkeit von Event Tickets basierend auf unterschiedlichen Konditionen.
- Wählen Sie aus einer Liste von Veranstaltungsorten und Locations für Ihre Veranstaltung.
- Wählen Sie aus einer Liste von Künstlern oder Schlüsselpersonen für Ihre Veranstaltung wie Gastgeber, Redner usw.
- Wählen Sie aus einer Liste von Veranstaltern für Ihre Veranstaltung.
- Legen Sie auf der Registerkarte „Wiederholung“ ein Wiederholungsmuster für Ihr Ereignis fest. Ereignisse können auf der Grundlage von Tag, Woche, Monat, Jahr oder einem benutzerdefinierten Muster wiederholt werden.
- Email – Setup booking confirmation email content and layout.
- Event Sponsors – Settings for adding event sponsorship. (Extension)
- Ticket Manager – Create custom tickets for your event. (Extension)
- Live Seating – Erstellen Sie Sitzpläne für Ihre Veranstaltung und berechnen Sie die Tickets nach Sitzplatz. (Extension)
- MailPoet – Settings to configure MailPoet newsletters with your event. (Extension)
Management Veranstaltungstypen
- Erstelle oder bearbeite Veranstaltungstypen, die du dann Veranstaltungen zuordnen kannst.
- Set specific properties for your Event Types.
- Background and text color for child events as they appear on the WordPress event calendar and WordPress calendar widget.
- Die Altersgruppe für Veranstaltungen dieser Art festlegen.
- Upload an image which represents the event type or category.
- Die Veranstaltungen im Veranstaltungskalender werden in der Farbe des zugewiesenen Veranstaltungstyps angezeigt.
Event Type
Following properties can be currently set for each event type:
- Name of the Event Type.
- Beschreibung der Event-Typen
- Hintergrundfarbe für Titel von untergeordneten Events – auch sichtbar im Frontend-Kalender und WordPress-Kalender-Widget.
- Textfarbe für Titel von untergeordneten Ereignissen – sichtbar im Frontend-Kalender und WordPress-Kalender-Widget.
- Age group restrictions.
- Image or Logo.
Event Venues Manager
- Erstellen oder bearbeiten Sie Veranstaltungsorte, die mit verschiedenen Veranstaltungen verknüpft werden können.
- Event Venues have their own set of customizable properties.
- Sortieren Sie Veranstaltungsorte nach Name, Slug oder Anzahl der untergeordneten Veranstaltungen.
Each Event Venue has following properties you can set:
- Veranstaltungs-Ort
- Description of the venue.
- Veranstaltungs-Adresse
- Koordinaten des Standorts mit Google Maps-Markierung.
- Date established.
- Platztyp: Sitz- oder Stehplatz. Benötigt Live Seating Extension, um Saalpläne hinzuzufügen.
- Venue Operator or Coordinator.
- Facebook und Instagram Seite des Veranstaltungsorts.
- Bilder des Veranstaltungsortes.
- Platz-Darstellung Editor. Benötigt Live Seating Extension.
Künstler Management
- Erstelle oder bearbeite Künstler, die du dann Veranstaltungen zuweisen kannst.
- Performers have their own set of customizable properties.
- Interpreten alphabetisch sortieren.
Each Performer has following properties you can set:
- Type – Person or Group
- Name des Künstlers.
- Rolle des Darstellers. Zum Beispiel Speaker, Gastgeber, Künstler etc.
- Foto des Ausführenden.
- Eine Gallerie mit Künstler Bildern.
- Description of the performer.
- Display in List – if you wish to hide or show Performer from EventPrime’s fronted Performers list view.
- Kontaktinformationen wie Telefonnummer, E-Mail und Website.
- Social-Media-Seiten, wie Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter usw.
Organizers Manager
- Create or Edit Event Organizers which can be associated with events later.
- Event Organizers have their own set of customizable properties.
- Sort Organizers alphabetically or by number of events in which they appear.
Each Event Organizer has following properties you can set:
- Name of the organizer.
- Phone number – multiple numbers supported.
- Email of the Organizer – multiple emails supported.
- Website – multiple website addresses supported.
- Description – details about the event organizer.
- Bild des Veranstalters.
- Social-Media-Seiten der Organisatoren, wie Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter usw.
Organizer details appear on the single event page on frontend.
Bookings Manager
- View a complete list of all bookings for all your events.
- Filter bookings by their events, booking time, and booking status.
- Sehen Sie eine Buchungstabelle mit der Buchungs-ID, dem Benutzernamen, der E-Mail und der Anzahl der Teilnehmer pro Buchungs-ID, dem Buchungsstatus und dem verwendeten Zahlungsgateway.
- Edit individual booking details and also add notes for an attendee which the attendee can see on his/her event booking page.
- Download booking details of attendees in PDF format.
- Send notification emails to attendees.
- Access the transaction log for an attendee’s booking.
- Füge zu jeder Buchung mehrere Notizen hinzu.
Email Attendees
A built-in emailing system to quickly send emails to specific attendees or all attendees from a specific event.
- Geben Sie die E-Mail-Adressen der Teilnehmer manuell ein oder laden Sie sie aus einer bestimmten Veranstaltung.
- Customize email subject.
- Customize email content.
- Filtern Sie Buchungen nach benutzerdefinierten Zeiträumen. Zu den Voreinstellungen gehören Heute, Gestern, Letzte 7 Tage, Letzte 30 Tage, Dieser Monat und Letzter Monat.
- Übersicht des Bruttoumsatzes, des Durchschnittsumsatzes, der Anzahl der Buchungen, der verkauften Tickets und der verwendeten Gutscheine.
Die Seite „Einstellungen“ ermöglicht eine detaillierte Konfiguration von EventPrime. Sie hat mehrere Registerkarten, die verwandte Optionen zusammen organisieren. Diese sind:
Diese Registerkarte enthält alle grundlegenden Einstellungen für EventPrime.
- Blenden Sie vergangene Veranstaltungen aus dem Veranstaltungsverzeichnis oder dem WordPress-Kalender aus oder ein.
- Standard-WordPress-Kalenderansicht.
- Wählen Sie die verfügbare Ansichtsoption für Website-Besucher.
- Definieren Sie die Anzahl der Events in den Karten- und Masonry-Ansichten.
- Ausblenden von Frontend-Event-Filtern im Event-Verzeichnis und WordPress-Kalender.
- Verstecke vergangene Veranstaltungs-Buchungen von der Administratoren Buchungsseite.
- Wählen Sie ein Datum aus, das als standardmäßig ausgewähltes Datum im Frontend-Kalender angezeigt werden soll.
- Wählen Sie ein Datum aus, das als standardmäßig ausgewähltes Datum im Frontend-Kalender angezeigt werden soll.
- Format des Kalendertitels im Frontend.
- Darstellung Überschrift Kalender Spalten im Frontend.
- Verstecke zukünftige Events von Event Seite, Event Typen, und Künstler Seiten.
- Mache Teilnehmer-Namen verpflichtend auf der Buchungsseite.
- Preis für kostenlose Events ausblenden.
- Wählen Sie das Format für die Datumsauswahl.
- Benutzerdefinierte Links von Events für abgemeldete Benutzer ausblenden.
- QR Code auf Tickets anzeigen.
- In Kalenderansicht verstecken.
Email Notifications
Here you can modify layout and content of different emails sent out from EventPrime. You can also turn them on or off individually.
* User registration email
* Booking pending email
* Booking confirmation email
* Booking cancellation email
* Reset password email
* Booking refund email
* Frontend user event submission email
* Frontend user event submission approval email
* Disable all admin emails
* Disable all frontend emails
- Turn on and configure Stripe payment gateway.
- Turn on and configure PayPal payment gateway.
- Turn on and configure offline payment system.
- Select your default currency.
- Select currency symbol position.
External Integration
- Google map API key to render maps and directions on frontend.
- Turn on Facebook sharing.
- Google calendar integration for users to import events to their Google calendar.
- Google reCaptcha for spam protection.
Default Pages
Here you can set default pages for various fronted EventPrime views. These include:
* Performers Page
* Event Sites Page
* Events Page
* Bookings Page
* User Profile Page
* Event Types Page
* Submit Event Page
* Booking Details Page
* Event Organizers Page
Custom CSS
Add custom CSS to EventPrime pages for tailor-made appearance for your theme. You can re-style WordPress event calendar to match your website’s looks.
Custom CSS
Frontend event submissions allow your users to submit events to EventPrime events database. You have full control over the submission process of these events.
* Define confirmation message to be displayed upon a successful submission.
* Allow public submissions.
* Message for non-logged in users if public submissions are off.
* Status of event on submission – put them in drafts for review or publish right away.
* Restrict frontend event submissions to specific user roles.
* Message for users with user roles which are not allowed to submit events.
* Select fields to display on frontend event submission form.
* Select the fields which you wish to make mandatory in the frontend event submission form.
=Attendee Booking Fields =
* Customize booking fields for attendees in the frontend booking page.
* Supports following field types – Text, Email, Telephone and Date.
* Drag and drop to change fields order.
=Button Labels=
Customize general labels and button labels for different frontend pages based on your requirements.
=Extensions Settings=
A lot of EventPrime extensions add plugin-wide settings. These settings pages will appear in a separate sections opened by clicking corresponding icons in Extensions Settings area.
Enable pretty URLs and define custom subdirectories. Following subdirectories are supported:
* Events
* Performers
* Organizers
* Event Sites
* Event Types
Performer Views
detaillierte EInstellung für einen einzelnen Ausführenden oder mehrere Ausführende auf den Frontend-Seiten.
Performers Directory View
- Choose between different layout styles.
- Select item rows and columns.
- Decide number of items to display on a single page.
- Darstellen/Verbergen des Such-Knopfes.
- Darstellen/Verbergen des Knopfes ‚weiter Lesen‘.
- Custom shortcode format to publish this view with all above properties passed as variables.
Single Performer View
- Darstellen/Verbergen von ähnlichen Veranstaltungen.
- Option to select layout of related events.
- Die maximale Anzahl der ähnlichen Veranstaltungen setzen.
- Die Anzahl der Spalten für die Liste der ähnlichen Veranstaltungen setzen.
- Zeige/Verstecke „Mehr anzeigen“ Button unter &hellip.
Dieses Plugin unterstützt 8 Blöcke.
- EventPrime Register EventPrime Register description
- EventPrime Booking Process Details EventPrime block to display process details
- EventPrime Organizer EventPrime organizer block
- EventPrime Venues EventPrime Venues block
- EventPrime Login EventPrime login description
- EventPrime User Profile EventPrime block to display user profile
- EventPrime Events Listing EventPrime Event Listing block
- EventPrime Booking Details EventPrime block to display booking details
Lade das Plugin als Zip-File herunter.
Öffne dein WordPress-Dashboard und rufe den Menüpunkt „Plugins“ auf.
Click on the ‚Upload Plugin‘ button and enter path of the plugin zip that you downloaded. You can also drag & drop the file to the ‚Upload Plugin‘ button.
Klicke auf die Schaltfläche „Plugin aktivieren“.
Wie kann ich mit EventPrime beginnen?
Check out our Starter Guide to get up and running with EventPrime.
Ich habe einen Fehler in EventPrime gefunden. Wie kann ich ihn melden?
That’s easy. Just write to us at our Contact page and our support team will get in touch with you in a matter of minutes.
Ich mag EventPrime, aber es hat nicht die Funktionen, die ich wirklich brauche. Wie kann ich sie bekommen?
We are always happy to hear your particular needs and requirements. Similar to reporting a bug, just write to us at our Contact page. Our support team will contact you right away.
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„EventPrime – moderner Veranstaltungskalender, Buchungen und Tickets“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
Mitwirkende„EventPrime – moderner Veranstaltungskalender, Buchungen und Tickets“ wurde in 5 Sprachen übersetzt. Danke an die Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzer für ihre Mitwirkung.
Übersetze „EventPrime – moderner Veranstaltungskalender, Buchungen und Tickets“ in deine Sprache.
Interessiert an der Entwicklung?
Durchstöbere den Code, sieh dir das SVN Repository an oder abonniere das Entwicklungsprotokoll per RSS.
Änderungsprotokoll November 29, 2024
- UI improvements. November 12, 2024
- Fixed: Issue with event search functionality returning incorrect results.
- Fixed: Blank date issue in frontend event submissions. November 07, 2024
- Fixed: An issue with the date field’s UI while using ACF.
- UI improvements. November 06, 2024
- Multiple bug fixes.
- UI improvements. October 25, 2024
- Fixed: Email template saving issue. October 17, 2024
- Added: Security Update.
- Multiple bug fixes. October 14, 2024
- Added: Security Update. October 5, 2024
- Added: Security Update. September 11, 2024
- Fixed: Repeat Event issue – reported by @emeeder.
- Fixed: Event date issue on calendar view – reported by @lpint. September 7, 2024
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with third-party plugins including Folder Plugin and Kubio Builder.
- Added: Security Update.
- UI improvements. August 26, 2024
- UI improvements. August 13, 2024
- Fixed: translation issue. August 5, 2024
- Added: Option to set date default format on frontend Events.
- UI Improvements. August 1, 2024
- Added: Security Update.
- New: Option to set date format on frontend Events – requested by @2020media
- Fixed: Dark theme fixes.
- Fixed: Shortcodes parameter issues.
- Multiple UI Improvements. July 19, 2024
- bug fixes. July 17, 2024
- Multiple bug fixes. July 15, 2024
- Fixed: Redirection Issue after logout.
- Added: View Event option.
- Added: Duplicate Events option.
- Fixed: Update Event for this occurrence option.
- Fixed: Repeat events dates not showing on the master event – reported by @vibroscope.
- Added: Event Filter on all events page in dashboard – reported by @lpint.
- Multiple UI Improvements. July 1, 2024
- Fixed: Elementor layout issue.
4.0.2: June 28, 2024
- Fixed: RSVP missing tab content issue in the user account area.
- Fixed: Widgets error – reported by @2020media.
- Fixed: Live Seating event price issue.
- Fixed: Layout issues with permalinks – reported by @wardencenter.
- Fixed: An issue where Stripe Payment option is not visible when other payment options are disabled.
- Fixed: Venue not being assigned to repeating events – reported by @lpint.
- Fixed: In some scenarios, a multi-day event is displayed as a single-day event – reported by @lucas1311
4.0.1: June 20, 2024
- Fixed: Checkout page issue when no default payment processor is selected.
- Fixed: Searching events in frontend Calendar view.
4.0.0: June 19, 2024
- Significantly optimized database queries.
- Much improved performance while working with large number of events.
- Refactored codebase for better resource management.
- Security improvements.
- Multiple bug fixes.
3.5.3: June 17, 2024
- Preparatory release for upcoming major version update.
3.5.2: June 14, 2024
- Preparatory release for upcoming major version update.
3.5.1: May 20, 2024
- Fixed: Stripe Security Update.
- Fixed: WooCommerce Checkout Extension issues.
- Fixed: Payment status issue.
- Fixed: Event Tickets Extension issues.
3.5.0: May 10, 2024
- Added: Security Update.
3.4.9: May 08, 2024
- Fixed: Minor UI fixes.
3.4.8: April 26, 2024
- Fixed: Multiple Usability Issues.
3.4.7: April 12, 2024
- Fixed: Event Ticket Ordering.
- Fixed: Report with event filter.
3.4.6: April 03, 2024
- Fixed: Calendar Title issue.
- Fixed: Seat Price issue.
- Fixed: Event Description with Video and Caption issue.
- Fixed: WooCommerce Booking issue.
3.4.5: March 19, 2024
- Fixed: Export Booking CSV fixes.
- Fixed: Stripe Payments Extension issues.
- Fixed: Live Seating Extension issues.
- Fixed: WooCommerce Checkout Extension issues.
3.4.4: March 02, 2024
- Added: Security Update.
- Fixed: Stripe Payments Extension issues.
- Fixed: Live Seating Extension issues.
- Fixed: Attendees List Extension issues.
- Fixed: WooCommerce Checkout Extension issues.
3.4.3: February 09, 2024
- Added: Security Update.
3.4.2: January 31, 2024
- Fixed: Checkout Issues.
3.4.1: January 22, 2024
- Fixed: Calendar Issues.
- Fixed: Stripe Payments Extension issues.
- Fixed: Multiple Usability Issues.
3.4.0: January 18, 2024
- Added: Security Update.
- Fixed: Event Template Issues.
- Fixed: Multiple Usability Issues.
- Fixed: Stripe Payments Extension issues.
- Fixed: Translation issues.
- Fixed: Minor UI fixes.
3.3.9: January 09, 2024
- Added: Sorting option for upcoming events.
- Fixed: Multiple Usability Issues.
- Fixed: Live Seating Extension issues.
- Fixed: Translation issues.
- Fixed: Minor UI fixes.
3.3.8: December 27, 2023
- Fixed: Multiple Usability Issues.
- Fixed: Import and Export Event Image Issues.
- Fixed: Elementor Integration extension Issues.
- Fixed: Advanced Report extension Issues.
3.3.6: December 15, 2023
- Added: Security Update.
- Added: License Updates.
- Fixed: Event Images Design Issue.
- Fixed: Multiple Usability Issues.
- Updated: Ratings and Reviews extension icon.
- Added: Security update.
- Fixed: Authorization issue for private or protected events.
- Fixed: Authorization issue for private or protected performers.
- Fixed: Authorization issue for private or protected sponsors.
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with the latest PHP version.
- Fixed: Stripe payment activation error.
- Fixed: Warnings on booking detail page.
- Fixed: Currency symbol issue on the ticket pdf.
- Fixed: Design issue with the EventPrime elementor integration.
- Fixed: Card view load more issue.
- New Extension: Ratings and Reviews.
- Fixed: Helptext alignment issue.
- Fixed: Issue with free events booking.
- Updated: License changes.
- Fixed: Vulnerability issues.
- Fixed: Issue while utilizing RegistrationMagic forms.
- Fixed: Translation issues.
- Fixed: Issue with ticket type options.
- Fixed: Minimum tickets per order accepting 0.
- Fixed: Display problem with Event-Types under the Event Calendar when utilizing shortcodes.
- Fixed: The placeholders display issue in the search results.
- Fixed: Problem with the default image in the user profile section.
- Fixed: Problem with the Load More button when utilizing multi-shortcodes.
- Fixed: Minor UI fixes.
- Fixed: Issue with payment mismatch.
- Fixed: Compatibility with PHP versions 8.1 and 8.2
- Fixed: Checkout page issue with EventPrime WooCommerce Checkout extension.
- Fixed: Wrong display on the frontend for Multi-day Events.
- Updated: Revamped Feedback Form.
- Fixed: Issue with Yoast SEO Plugin.
- New Feature: Event listing block.
- Fixed: Minor improvements to help-texts.
- Fixed: Updated default image.
- Updated: Attendees List Extension.
- Updated: Events Tickets Extension.
- Updated: Mailchimp Integration Extension.
- Updated: WooCommerce Integration Extension.
- New Feature: Login form block.
- New Feature: Registration form block.
- Fixed: Issue with ordering of the recurring events.
- Fixed: Duplicate events not displaying on the frontend.
- Fixed: Issue with the listing of past and upcoming events.
- Fixed: Upcoming events sorting issue on the frontend views.
- Fixed: Offers visibility issue in the event rows view.
- Fixed: Ticket booking date & time issue on the event views.
- Fixed: An issue where applied offer is not visible in the booking confirmation email and admin booking page.
- Fixed: An issue with the checkout step during Guest bookings.
- Fixed an issue with blocks where extra js and css files were enqueued on the frontend.
- UI improvements.
- Added: Option to use multiple event ids with the id argument in the [em_events] short code.
- Added: Option show/hide the ‚Add Event‘ button in the User Profile’s My Event tab.
- Added: Option to allow users to delete their created events from frontend event submission.
- Added: More calendar options on the event detail page.
- Fixed: Offers related issues.
- Fixed: ‚Add to Cart‘ option not displaying correctly with the WooCommerce Checkout extension.
- Fixed: Event visibility issue when creating from frontend event submission.
- Fixed: Event date timezone issue on the event details page.
- Fixed: Seat popover price break issue.
- Updated: Live Seating Extension.
- Updated: WooCommerce Checkout Extension.
- Updated: Guest Booking Extension.
- Updated: WooCommerce Integration Extension.
- Updated: Elementor Integration Extension.
- Updated: Mailchimp Integration Extension.
- New Extension: RSVP!
- New Extension: WooCommerce Checkout!
- Added: Option to set custom Admin recipient email address.
- Added: Option to change the sender’s email address.
- Added: Option to set the booking status with Offline payments.
- Added: Start Zoom meeting option for the event creator.
- Added: Option to delete Zoom meetings on event deletion.
- Fixed: Zoom meetings with the event repeat option.
- Fixed: Live seating blocked seat issue.
- Fixed: Attendees fields issue on the checkout page.
- Fixed: Performer unselect issue in the event.
- Updated: Zoom Integration Extension.
- Updated: Live Seating Extension.
- Updated: Offline Payments Extension.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Added: Option to change the label of Offline Payments.
- Updated: Offline Payments Extension.
- Minor UI improvements.
- New Extension: MailChimp Integration!
- New Extension: User Feedback!
- Added: More fields option in the Booking Fields.
- Added: Event Summary section.
- Added: Booking summary and filter section in admin event.
- Added: Attendee List section in admin event.
- Added: Print Attendee List section in admin event.
- Added: Edit booking option in event.
- Added: Add to Attendee List option in the Checkout Fields.
- Added: Booking section in the admin event.
- Added: Results section in the event.
- Added: View results section on the event detail page.
- Added: Image visibility option for the Square Grid view.
- Added: Option to add user as a Sponsor.
- Added: em_sponsor role for Sponsors.
- Added: Zoom meeting link on the booking details.
- Added: Option to Import Events from The Event Calendar plugin.
- Added: Checkout fields data in the Attendees List.
- Separated: Tickets option from the Bookings option.
- Fixed: Elementor integration widget issues.
- Updated: Advanced Checkout Fields Extension.
- Updated: Sponsors Extension.
- Updated: Attendees List Extension.
- Updated: Event Import Export Extension.
- Updated: Zoom Integration Extension.
- Updated: Elementor Integration Extension.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Added: Image customization options for event detail page.
- Added: Transaction log section in the booking view in admin.
- Minor UI improvements.
- New Extension: Advanced Checkout Fields!
- New Extension: Elementor Integration!
- Added: Social Information section for the Events.
- Added: Option to hide the wishlist icon.
- Added: New labels in the Language area.
- Updated: Ticket quantity auto-set to 1 if there is only one ticket.
- Fixed: Hide seat issue with live seating.
- Updated: Live Seating Extension.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Added: Sorting option for past events.
- Added: Woocommerce order data in the Invoices.
- Fixed: Event list sorting issues.
- Fixed: Upcoming events settings for organizers and performers.
- Fixed: Zoom event link issue in the booking confirmation email.
- Updated: Zoom Integration Extension.
- Updated: Invoices Extension.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Added: Order By argument with the title, date, and rand options.
- Added: Option to attach attendee’s details with admin booking confirmation email.
- Added: Admin notice if default page is deleted.
- Fixed: Checkout page responsiveness issues.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Fixed: Issue with frontend calendar view not loading for anonymous user.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Introducing admin calendar!
- New Extension Launch: EventPrime Advanced Reports!
- Added: New OAuth type authentication method in the Zoom integration extension.
- Added: Option to create event in just one click from the admin calendar.
- Added: Options to list, add, edit, and view event from the admin calendar.
- Added: Option to create Duplicate event from admin area.
- Added: Option to update all recurrences on change in the main event.
- Added: Option to redirect to the Third-party URL from the event views.
- Fixed: Ticket name rendering issue in the ticket modal.
- Fixed: Issue with the „Restrict by Roles“ option in the Frontend Event Submission.
- Fixed: Admin menu item issue with the coupon code, sponsors, and event tickets extensions.
- Updated: Zoom Integration Extension.
- Updated: Coupon Code Extension.
- Updated: Sponsors Extension.
- Updated: Event Tickets Extension.
- Updated: WooCommerce Integration Extension.
- Updated: MailPoet Integration Extension.
- Updated: Twilio text notification Extension.
- Updated: Live seating Extension.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Added: Option to hide Performers and Organizers section on the event page.
- Added: Recurring events information modal on the child event’s detail page.
- Updated: Recurring event creation option with Repeat On and Ends option.
- Fixed: Warning message related to the blocks.
- Updated: Offline Payments Extension.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Updated: Admin pages code execution optimizations.
- Added: Option to Allow Media Library with the Frontend Event Submission form.
- Added: Youtube Channel link option with the organizer’s and performer’s social sharing options.
- Added: Arrow buttons for easier navigation to future dates, on a recurring event page.
- Updated: Social sharing icons.
- Fixed: Templating issue on block enabled themes with the Event, Performer, and Sponsor pages.
- Fixed: Venue’s Display Address option not working issue.
- Fixed: Performer’s and Venue’s gallery popup close option not working with the pretty URLs option.
- Fixed: Event not opening in new tab issue on the Calendar view.
- Fixed: Event text color issue with the Agenda view.
- Fixed: Agenda view card position issue.
- Fixed: Social icons are not visible with the pretty URLs option.
- Added: ID column with the Event-Types, Venues, and Organizers lists in the admin area.
- Fixed: Event calendar view not loading properly issue.
- Fixed: Progress bar issue with Square Grid and Slider views.
- Fixed: Event tickets menu item not showing.
- Updated: Event Tickets Extension.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Fixed: ‚Event has ended‘ issue on the tickets tab.
- Fixed: Event text color issue on edit event.
- Fixed: Month and Day name translation issue on the calendar.
- Fixed: Event-Type background transparent issue on the calendar.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Added: Event details settings in the Settings -> Frontend Views.
- Added: Event Text Color option to set color for individual event on the calendar.
- Added: Attendee Note option to show instructions for attendees.
- Added: Option to change weather units to Fahrenheit.
- Added: Option to hide/show venue tabs on the event details page.
- Added: Option to render shortcode inside the Event, Performer, and Sponsor content.
- Changed: ‚Week starts on‘ option is now inherited from the WordPress settings on the event calendar.
- Updated: Default subject in the email templates.
- Fixed: Email template status issue.
- Fixed: Import events issue with Import / Export extension.
- Updated: Event Import / Export Extension.
- Updated: Discount Coupons Extension.
- Updated: Sponsors Extension.
- Updated: Event Tickets Extension.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Updated: Event page load time optimizations.
- Fixed: An issue with the frontend event submission settings.
- Fixed: Date filter issue in the Calendar widget.
- Fixed: Event price not displaying on the event details page.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Added: User information section on the the booking details page.
- Added: User information section on the admin bookings page.
- Added: Localization support the the Stripe Payments extension.
- Fixed: Recurring events related issues.
- Fixed: Download invoice issue.
- Fixed: Email template date & time issue.
- Fixed: Countdown widget browser specific issue.
- Fixed: Default timezone setup issue.
- Fixed: Removed middle name option option from default checkout attendee section.
- Fixed: Multi-day event last date issue on the calendar view .
- Updated: Attendee List Extension.
- Updated: Stripe Payments Extension.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Added: Event-Type color swatches under the calendar view.
- Added: TBD option when hiding date and time on the frontend.
- Fixed: Hide price issue for free events.
- Fixed: Frontend time format issue.
- Fixed: An issue with the frontend event submission settings.
- Fixed: Event-Type text color issue on the calendar view.
- Fixed: Event-Type background color issue on the event page.
- Fixed: An issue with the ticket price for external bookings.
- Fixed: Google Calendar and iCal file date and time issue.
- Updated: Attendee List Extension.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Added: Option to export all bookings.
- Fixed: Third-party booking issue.
- Fixed: Event gallery slider issue.
- Fixed: Checkout step message issue.
- Fixed: Booking pending email issue.
- Fixed: Booking cancellation email issue.
- Fixed: Booking refund email issue.
- Fixed: Admin booking confirmation email issue.
- Updated: Guest Booking Extension.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Added: Option to set default payment processor.
- Added: Option to export bookings.
- Added: Localization on the event calendar.
- Fixed: Event duplicate issue on month change.
- Fixed: Access denied issue after migration.
- Fixed: Booking detail access issue for guest users after booking.
- Fixed: Date translation issue.
- Fixed: Ticket print issue for guest users.
- Fixed: Settings -> Languages tab access issue after migration.
- Fixed: Venue URL issue on the event detail page.
- Fixed: ‚Load More‘ pagination issue for Performers.
- Fixed: Checkout fields are not working at the time of booking.
- Updated: UI of the Reports section.
- Updated: Stripe Payments Extension.
- Updated: Offline Payments Extension.
- Updated: Event Tickets Extension.
- Updated: Coupon Code Extension.
- Fixed: Venue image issue in admin after migration to v3.
- Updated: Week start for the calendar view.
- Updated: Reports section for the bookings list.
- Minor UI improvements for event filters and tickets.
- Major new release with massive improvements. Frontend Demo
- Completely rebuilt admin area closer to core WordPress UI.
- Completely rebuilt frontend area.
- Introducing new ticket creation tool which opens new possibilities.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Fixed: Venue URL issue on the event detail page.
- Added: Scrollbar on the add performer section on Event Dashboard.
- Fixed: Performer & Organizer Labels issue on the Frontend Event Submission.
- Fixed: Event type name not linked with detail issue under the event calendar.
- Fixed: Upcoming events URL issue in Event Calendar Widget.
- Fixed: Date format issue on filter in Event Calendar Widget.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Fixed: Load more button issue with the Card, and Masonry Views.
- Fixed: Performers and Organizers URL issue on the event detail page.
- Fixed: Event detail page layout issue with the SEO option enabled.
- Fixed: Calendar layout issue with mobile devices.
- Updated: Stripe Payments Extension.
- Added: User first name and last name fields in the admin booking confirmation email.
- Added: Name, Email, and Order ID metadata in the Stripe payment request.
- Fixed: Load more event issue with the Card, Masonry, and List Views.
- Fixed: Multiple Masonry view instances on the same page via shortcode issue.
- Fixed: Event date & time issue in the ticket PDF.
- Fixed: Google MAP API callback issue.
- Added: Add image options for performer & organizer on front end event submission form.
- Fixed: Currency based issue with modern PayPal API.
- Fixed: Event calendar Title Format issue.
- Fixed: Email notification sending issue.
- Fixed: Event Calendar redirects on the single event page issue.
- Fixed: Registration form Country Code Select Box issue.
- Updated: Event List Widgets extension.
- Updated: Event listing order on the performer details page.
- Updated: Event listing order on the event type details page.
- Updated: Event listing order on the venue details page.
- Updated: Event listing order on the organizer details page.
- Fixed: Google Map issue if the venue is not selected on the user profile.
- Fixed: Comment form not visible on the event details page issue.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Fixed: Admin Booking list issue.
- Fixed: Booking time and Event time related issue in booking confirmation email.
- Fixed: Print Invoice authorization issue.
- Fixed: WooCommerce product booking issue with the Guest booking.
- Updated: Offline Payments Extension.
- Updated: Stripe Payments Extension.
- Updated: Coupon Code Extension.
- Updated: Guest Booking Extension.
- Updated: WooCommerce Integration Extension.
- Updated: Comment Extension.
- Updated: Zoom Integration Extension.
- Updated: Invoices Extension.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Fixed: Booking page compatibility issues with recent default WordPress themes.
- Fixed: Registration Magic form integration issue.
- Updated: ‚My Events‘ issue on the User Profile area.
- Fixed: Responsive issue on Performers, Organizers, Event Types, and Event Sites pages.
- Fixed: Upcoming events redirection issues.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Updated: Price options will not visible if event price is 0.
- Fixed: Seat price not updating on the booking page issue.
- Fixed: Seat availability issue after cancellation of booking.
- Fixed: Performers, Venues, Event Types, Organizers content loading issue.
- Minor UI improvements.
- New: PayPal checkout user experience.
- Added: Settings to enable the New PayPal payments in Global Settings -> Payment section.
- Added: Option to remove event image from event settings.
- Added: User auto login after registrations.
- Added: Option to redirect user after registration in Global Settings.
- Fixed: Redirection issue after booking timeout.
- Updated: Offline Payments Extension.
- Updated: Stripe Payments Extension.
- Minor UI improvements.
- New: Payment Received email option in Global Settings with Offline Payments Extension.
- New: Option to send ticket after payment received with Offline Payments Extension.
- Added: Option to add Payment Note with Offline Payments Extension.
- Added: Payment Gateway and Payment Status fields with Booking confirmation email.
- Added: Payment Gateway column in Bookings.
- Fixed: Email Attendees issue.
- Fixed: Attendees list not showing issue.
- Updated: Offline Payments Extension.
- Updated: Live Seating Extension.
- Updated: Attendees List Extension.
- New: Event Site/Location advanced views!
- Added: Option to customize admin booking confirmation email from Global Settings.
- Added: Event id argument with the [em_events] shortcode.
- Updated: Social Sharing option on the single event page.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Added: Option to show login and registration pages separately with the [em_profile] shortcode.
- Added: Guest booking checkout field data in the export booking CSV.
- Fixed: Event checkout page scroll issue after proceeding from the cart.
- Fixed: Event filter issue.
- Minor UI improvements.
- New: Event Type advanced views!
- New: Organizers advanced views!
- Added: Booking tickets automatically sent feature with the confirmation email.
- Fixed: Event price formatting issue.
- Fixed: Issue with Automatic discount where discount disable with coupon code.
- Updated: Live Seating extension.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Added: Option to customize booking page label.
- Fixed: Issue with new event creation when price is 0.
- Fixed: Issue with custom link on the single event page.
- Minor UI improvements.
- New: Advanced Performers section in Global Settings!
- New: Revamped frontend design and layout for performers list and single performer page.
- Added: Phone, email, website, and social link fields for performers.
- Added: Option to set performer as a Featured performer.
- Added: multiple display style options to list all performers.
- Added: option to limit, column limit, search, and load more performers.
- Added: multiple display style options to list performer’s related events.
- Fixed: QR code URL issue on the single event page.
- New Extension Launch: EventPrime Twilio Text Notifications!
- Added: User capabilities for Event site/locations, Performers, and Organizers.
- Added: Intl phone number feature for registration form phone field.
- Added: Price tier feature for child events with recurring event extension.
- Updated: Button Labels section.
- Updated: Automatic Discount extension.
- Updated: EventPrime MailPoet extension.
- Updated: WooCommerce Integration extension.
- Updated: Recurring Event extension.
- Fixed: Server not responding issue in event dashboard area.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Fixed: Event type and Event site filter design issue on the event page.
- New: Hide event Ends option on the frontend views and on the event detail page.
- Added: User capabilities for the Event Locations.
- Added: Booking summary for the standing events.
- Improved: Event filter section.
- Improved: Alert design on the event popup.
- Improved: Add New Event Type section design in event settings.
- Fixed: Event Types not showing the issue.
- Fixed: Booking page loading issue.
- Fixed: Booking count number issue on the progress bar on the booking page.
- Minor UI improvements.
- New: User Capability based access feature!
- Added: User capabilities for Event and Event Types.
- New: Option to customize labels for Performers and Organizers globally.
- Fixed: Past events not showing in event views.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Added: New Payment Status column in export booking CSV.
- Updated: Email Attendees feature and added option to send emails to attendees.
- Fixed: Ordering issue with Attendee Booking Field on the checkout, booking details, and export CSV.
- Fixed: Refund option not visible after cancel the booking.
- Fixed: Recurring event shortcode issue with frontend views.
- Fixed: Booking cancellation button not visible on the booking detail page.
- Fixed: Total amount issue on booking detail page after discount.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Added: Separate row option for attendees details in export booking if booking has multiple attendees.
- Added: Price tier name to booking view in admin.
- Fixed: An issue with booking confirmation email notification.
- Fixed: An issue with upcoming events section on event type, site, performers, and organizers.
- New Extension Launch: EventPrime Invoices.
- New: Customizable user-friendly URLs features!
- New: Option to select Organizers in Add/Edit event popup.
- New: Option to select Event Image in Add/Edit event popup.
- Fixed: An issue on Book Now with guest booking option on upcoming events section.
- Fixed: An issue with Hide Price option for free events.
- Fixed: An issue where booking details were not visible to the user.
- Added: Disable filter option to Hide/Show filter with [em_events] shortcode.
- Added: Option to remove any filter elements with [em_events] shortcode.
- Added: Option to display individual events with [em_events] shortcode like Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow, This Month.
- Fixed: Recurring events not showing with Card view issue.
- Fixed: An issue with location text if not selected with the event on single event page.
- New: Booking status is now hidden on the frontend if bookings are not enabled for an event.
- Fixed: Past events count issue in Event Type shortcode view.
- Fixed: Event image warning on frontend views.
- Added: More booking and user data in admin booking confirmation email (User suggestion: Julia).
- Added: Event Date column in admin Bookings area (User suggestion: Julia, Susanne).
- Fixed: Attendee name issue on single event page (with Attendees List extension) (User suggestion: Bill Zonios).
- Fixed: Some notices on booking page (with Mailpoet Integration extension).
- Fixed: Admin Event popup dashboard link not displaying issue.
- Updated: EventPrime MailPoet extension.
- Updated: Attendees List extension.
- New: Customizable checkout fields to collect guest information at the time of booking (through the Guest Booking extension) (User suggestion: Aarni Reunanen, Ed).
- New: A more comprehensive booking details page replaces the existing booking details popup.
- Added: Associating guest checkout fields with the user meta.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Updated: Guest Booking extension.
- Updated: Offline Payments extension.
- Updated: Stripe Payments extension.
- Updated: Event Comment extension.
- Updated: Automatic Discount extension.
- Updated: EventPrime MailPoet extension.
- Updated: WooCommerce Integration extension.
- New: Option to add Seating type location on frontend event creation form (User suggestion: Asteria Abada, Anil).
- New: Option to add new organizer on frontend event creation form (User suggestion: Isabelle).
- New: Option to Show/hide „Add New Organizer“ button during frontend event creation in Global Settings.
- New: Latitude, Longitude, and Zoom level option while adding new address on frontend event creation form.
- Added: Option to select multiple organizers on frontend event creation form.
- New: Option to hide postal/ zip code field on frontend Stripe payment popup from Global Settings.
- New: Option to update the Stripe payment option label from Global Settings.
- New: Option to show card holder’s name and email in transaction log from Global Settings.
- Updated: Live Seating extension.
- Updated: Stripe Payments extension.
- Fixed: PayPal payments and notification related issue.
- Added: Booking status option in admin views.
- New: …