Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 12. November 2020 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Diese Stilllegung ist dauerhaft. Grund: Autor-Anfrage.
17. Februar 2019
1 Antwort
muito bom
20. Dezember 2018
It worked at first but now it isn’t working. I built a theme using ACF Pro and Timber and have only a few themes. I get a ton of errors on post updating etc. It looks like it’s just not compatible. I may search for help but it looks like issues similar to mine are just closed.
13. November 2018
As far as i noticed, it works with WooCommerce also.
4. November 2018
1 Antwort
Fixed my issue quickly. No issues at all with this plugin. Thank you!
7. September 2018
1 Antwort
This doesn’t do anything, it should be removed from the listing;
1. August 2018
1 Antwort
Featured image not showing when the post is shared on facebook Any suggest me please?
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