Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 2. November 2022 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Grund: Sicherheitsproblem.
13. April 2020
Thank for this little amazing plugin!
30. September 2019
Works with wordpress 5.3 and does what it is supposed to, but seems to be unmaintained. Needs some custom styling to look good, and some filters or options to choose what you want to show would be good as well (disable social media links etc).
Also, it doesn’t insert web semantics, which makes the author box look odd in Reader mode.
13. Januar 2019
I’ve been using this plugin for years, and have always been satisfied with how it displays on post. I wish the plugin was updated more, but it still works!
9. September 2016
It looks so fancy, and works fine!!
3. September 2016
kann ich nur empfehlen
8. Februar 2017
I use the theme WP Start. I do not like to have my author bio underneath of each post. This plugin is the solution to get rid off this stupid authors bio. Thanks!
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