Fast Cart for WooCommerce


Fast Cart for WooCommerce is an outstanding WooCommerce Side Cart plugin. It offers the most attractive, effective, and highly mobile-responsive Ajax side cart features.

A WooCommerce Side Cart plugin, also known as the floating cart for WooCommerce, helps improve the online shopping experience. As a result, they can significantly increase your store’s revenue and growth.

Usually, customers must switch between the cart and shop pages back and forth to verify their carted items. You can relieve your customers from running in circles (and eventually leaving the store 😞️) with a WooCommerce side cart plugin. It will add an interactive Ajax cart and a floating cart icon on every page of your store.

As one of the best WooCommerce side cart plugins, Fast Cart for WooCommerce brings a modern look and tailored user experience. Customers can cart an item without reloading or leaving the page. Additionally, they can update quantity, remove a carted item, and see the total and subtotal on the side cart.

Feature Highlights of Fast Cart for WooCommerce

Basic Settings Options
🚀️ Open side cart on Ajax Add to Cart
🚀️ Open the side cart on Normal Add to Cart
🚀️ Hide or show an overlay layer
🚀️ Ability to control Tray position
(display position of the side cart)
🚀️ Control how users close the side cart
🚀 Refresh WooCommerce cart fragments to observe settings changes immediately
🚀 Display the cart icon and added item prices total with menus

Item Settings Options
🚀️ Link Behavior of item (how you want the link to open)
🚀️ Show the current cart items at the top of the list.
🚀️ Display a link to remove all the carted items from the cart tray.
🚀️ Before removing all items from the cart tray, display a confirmation message.
🚀️ Display the strikethrough regular price with the sale price for an item.
🚀️ Enable or disable the remove item from cart button
🚀️ Add or remove the quantity field on the side cart
🚀️ Display plus/minus button with the quantity field to control the quantities from the cart tray.
🚀️ Show or hide the total price of the items added

Floating Cart Icon Settings Options
🚀️ Enable or disable WooCommerce floating cart icon
🚀️ Control the display position of the floating cart icon
🚀️ Enable the shake effect to prompt the customer for checkout
🚀️ Hide the floating cart if there are no items added (the cart is empty)

Styling Options
🚀️ Set the mode (style) to Light/Dark
🚀️ Choose a color that best matches your brand
🚀️ Choose a style to display View Cart and Checkout button in two different formats

Benefits of Having the Fast Cart for WooCommerce

Complete Control over the Side Cart – This WooCommerce Ajax Cart plugin has all the required options to give you total control. You can control the look and position of your side cart. Likewise, you can also control the floating cart icon too.

Empower customers with time-saving options – Add options to your side cart to help customers quickly complete their shopping. You can add options like the remove button (to remove a carted item), quantity field (to increase or decrease item quantity), and total price.

Boldly stand out from your competitors – The Ajax-powered side cart will show the customers their carted items with essential details and required actions. Thus, you can secure an unmatched online shopping experience for your customers and stand out from your competitors.


  • Settings link of the plugin.
  • Sub menu under WPXtension Menu.


After downloading the ZIP file,

  1. Log in to the administrator panel.
  2. Go to Plugins Add > New > Upload.
  3. Click „Choose file“ („Browse“) and select the downloaded zip file.
  4. Fast cart at the top position.
  5. Fast cart at the center position.
  6. Fast cart at the bottom position.


Does Fast Cart for WooCommerce works on the product details pages?

Yes, Fast Cart for WooCommerce is compatible with both the Ajax and Normal Add To Cart. So, you can enjoy the side cart feature on product details pages too.

How to add a side cart in WooCommerce?

Adding a side cart to your WooCommerce store is simplified by Fast Cart for WooCommerce. Installing it will add an interactive Ajax Side Cart to your WooCommerce store. You can learn more about the installation process here –

Will Fast Cart for WooCommerce work with my/any theme?

We have a large community of theme and plugin authors. It is difficult for any plugin author to guarantee compatibility with every theme. If you notice an issue, report it to us instantly.

Why should I choose Fast Cart for WooCommerce?

Fast Cart for WooCommerce is one of the fastest-growing WooCommerce side cart plugins. It will enhance your store both visually and with functionality. Your customers will love the new experience.


26. Februar 2023
Adding items to the cart without reloading a specific page is advantageous. Hopefully, this cart plugin will help my store deliver a better customer experience.
Alle 1 Rezension lesen

Mitwirkende & Entwickler

„Fast Cart for WooCommerce“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:



1.0.16 [28-01-2025] Wednesday

  • Fix- Quantity field and +/- button CSS for block and hybrid theme.
  • Enhancement- Settings Top nav and Save button markup.
  • Add- Block theme support (on archive page cart tray open facility).
  • Compatibility- WooCommerce 9.6.

1.0.15 [06-01-2025] Monday

  • Feature- Display cart icon with items total for selected menus. It will act like floating cart icon.
  • Feature- Quantity contorl option with plus/minus icon to increase/decrease quantity from the cart tray.
  • Compatibility- WooCommerce 9.5

1.0.14 [24-11-2024] Sunday

  • Security- Check based on Plugin Check Plugin (PCP).
  • Fix- Text Domain issues.
  • Compatibility- WordPress 6.7 & WooCommerce 9.4

1.0.13 [03-09-2024] Tuesday

  • Security- Check based on Plugin Check Plugin (PCP).
  • Update- Frontend CSS.
  • Update- The trash icon for empty cart and individual item trash.
  • Update- fast-mini-cart.php template. Added a filter hook fc_cart_remove_item_icon to change individual trash icon.

1.0.12 [01-08-2024] Thursday

  • Update- Backend and Frontend JS.
  • Fix- The icon disappear after double click icons to display option.
  • Fix- (Hide if empty behavior) if product added or removed from the side cart panel.
  • Fix- (Shake Effect) if product added or removed from the side cart panel.
  • Compatibility- WordPress 6.6 & WooCommerce 9.1

1.0.11 [28-05-2024] Tuesday

  • Feature- Display empty cart link.
  • Feature- Display confrimation alert.
  • Update- fast-mini-cart.php template.

1.0.10 [15-05-2024] Wednesday

  • Feature- Display strikethrough regular price with the sale price.
  • Update- fast-mini-cart.php template.
  • Compatibility- WooCommerce 8.9

1.0.9 [28-03-2024] Thursday

  • Tweak- Check the whole codebase (Using PCP).
  • Update- fast-mini-cart.php template.
  • Compatibility- WooCommerce 8.7

1.0.8 [27-02-2024] Tuesday

  • Fix- Width issue of quantity field with Hello Elementor theme.
  • Added- Attribute name and value when any is selected as variation combination.
  • Tweak- Now the remove button is clickable as a full button area not only the cross icon.
  • Update- fast-mini-cart.php template.
  • Compatibility- WooCommerce 8.6

1.0.7 [28-01-2024] Sunday

  • Feature- Added tax value text if tax is properly configured in WooCommerce tax settings.
  • Update- fast-mini-cart.php template.
  • Added- fc_woocommerce_widget_shopping_cart_total hook to display subtotal & total.
  • Removed- woocommerce_widget_shopping_cart_total hook from fast-mini-cart.php template.
  • Compatibility- WooCommerce 8.5

1.0.6 [22-11-2023] Wednesday

  • Feature- Buttons style to display View Cart & Checkout button in two different formats.
  • Fix- Text domain related issues.
  • Added- .pot file for translation.
  • Compatibility- WordPress 6.4+ WooCommerce 8.3.1.

1.0.5 [04-11-2023] Saturday

  • Feature- Reverse the carted items list.
  • Fix- Minor CSS.
  • Compatibility- WordPress 6.3+ WooCommerce 8.2+.

1.0.4 [03-09-2023] Sunday

  • Feature- Option to check settings effects immediately on the frontend.
  • Fix- Minor CSS & JS.
  • Enhancement- Loader addded on removing item from cart tray.
  • Compatibility- WordPress 6.3+ WooCommerce 8.0+. [26-06-2023] Monday

  • Fix- Minor fix Open on Normal Add to Cart Feature.

1.0.3 [26-06-2023] Monday

  • Feature- More icons for Floating Icon.
  • Fix- Minor CSS fix.
  • Fix- WooCommerce 7.8.0 fragment script issue for fast cart tray.
  • Enhancement- added fc for icon class to avoid conflict with theme [inside main font css file].
  • Compatibility- WooCommerce 7.8.0.

1.0.2 [22-05-2023] Monday

  • Fix- Theme Compatibility check and fixed with themes like: Astra, Blocksy, Hestia, Kadence, OceanWP, StoreFront, Sydeny, Twenty Twenty-Three, Twenty Twenty-Two, Woostify etc.
  • Tweak- fc_mini_cart_item added by replacing mini_cart_item for better styling and avoiding conflict
  • Tweak- quantity classes replaced with fc-quanity & fc-quantity-inner for <div> & <span>.
  • Enhancement- Fast-Mini-cart template was updated.

1.0.1 [14-05-2023] Sunday

  • Dev- Changed the script object fc_public_object for wp_localize_script to avoid conflict with Social Share for WooCommerce.
  • Compatibility- Tested with WordPress 6.2, WooCommerce 7.7
  • Compatibility- High-Performance order storage (COT)
  • Enhancement- Loader added on changing quantity to let the user know the changes are processing.
  • Enhancement- Submenu Useful Plugins kept at the bottom for better usability.
  • Enhancement- Version tag added on the plugin settings page.

1.0 [18-02-2023]

Initial release.