Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 27. März 2023 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Grund: Richtlinienverletzung.
2. Dezember 2022
This hasn’t been updated in 2 yrs, but it worked out-of-the-box in 2022!
It’s MUCH lighter than the other plugin “Featured Image from URL (FIFU)”, and doesn’t install piles of stuff with tons of settings.
P.S. they’re both great plugins, but this one is way lighter.
7. Oktober 2021
Great plugin
11. Juli 2021
Awesome plugin. Great work guys!! Recommended plugin.
11. Mai 2021
thank you for this.
16. April 2021
I’ve had a weird problem with images on my site, and this was an excellent workaround. Saved me lots of frustration!
23. Dezember 2022
<p>super easy setting, and you can even search featured images from pexel if you use with jetpack. Hope some good guy can keep it updated!</p>
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„Featured Image by URL“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
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