Fetch Some Tweets will enable any developer to pull in the latest Tweets from any Twitter Handle, it\’s lightweight and simple to manage via the settings area. In order to use this plugin you will need to have applied for a Twitter Developers Account and have created a Twitter Application. Links regarding all the above is contained within the settings area.
You can control the Number of Tweets, whether to include Retweets or Exclude Replies, the Tweets are rendered as a simple unordered list all with straightforward classes to enable you to style your Twitter Timeline however you want, there are no CSS styles by default.
Each individual Tweet has the same interactive functionality of Twitter enabling you to Retweet, Favourite & Reply, if Images are attached to your tweet these will display as an Icon linking your directly to the embedded Image on Twitter.
This is Version 1 over time I plan to add the ability to import the Tweets as Posts enabling you to manage and backup your Tweets via a Tweet Post Type.
Either download the package from Github or via the WordPress Repository, Activate and click on the settings link, this link is also within the Settings section on the WordPress Dashboard Menu. Once Activated you\’ll have the option to add your Twitter Application credentials and apply your options for the Number of Tweets & whether to include Retweets & Replies.
To display the Tweets use the [FetchSomeTweets] shortcode. To embed within a Template use <?php echo do_shortcode( '[FetchSomeTweets]' ); ?>
Where do I sign up for a Twitter Developer Account?
You can find details regarding setting up your Twitter Developers Account via the Twitter Developer Platform and also created a Twitter Application.
How do I setup a Twitter Application?
Instructions on how to create a Twitter App can be found here.
How do I generate my Twitter Application Access Tokens?
Instructions on how to generate your Access Tokens can be found here.
How do I display my Twitter Feed?
To show the Tweets within your templates simply fill out the fields below and use the following shortcode
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- Base functionality in place.
- Updated Tweet calculation to display the correct number of Tweets even when excluding Replies and Retweets.
- Added compatibility with WordPress 5.0.
- Added check for Twitter API timeout.
- Updated HTML Markup.
- Changed the process of passing Tweet content & Date which increases compatibility with Gutenberg (No more ‚Update Failed‘ messages).
- Compatibility with WordPress 5.8.
- Fixed issues with uninstallation.
- Upgraded Twitter OAuth Library & made to be compatible with PHP 8.0.