Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Fix Rss Feeds


Fix wordpress rss feed error „Error on line 2: The processing instruction target matching „[xX][mM][lL]“ is not allowed.“ while you burn wordpress rss feed from www.feedburner.com, also fix error „XML or text declaration not at start of entity“ in firefox, and fix error „XML declaration not at beginning of document“ in opera.

Relative Posts: WordPress how to correct rss feed in the Error on line 2: The processing instruction target matching „[xX] [mM] [lL]“ is not allowed error?

version: 3.1

release date: 2011-08-110

website: http://www.gofunnow.com

plugin url: http://www.gofunnow.com/wordpress/plugins/fix-rss-feed-error-wordpress-plugins.htm


download url: https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/fix-rss-feed.zip


install steps:

  1. Upload to your plugins folder, usually wp-content/plugins/ and unzip the file, it will create a wp-content/plugins/fix-rss-feed/ directory.

  2. Activate the plugin on the plugin screen.

  3. done

usage steps:

  1. Into the Dashboard admin-> settings -> fix rss feed

  2. Click on the „Fix wordpress rss feed error“ button, then your feed error will be fixed. If there are any errors after fixed rss feed, you can click „restore fix“ button to restore.

  3. All fix are completed, you will find your wordpress rss feed no mistake,^_^

Uninstallation steps:

  1. go into admin->plugins ,disable fix-rss-feed

  2. done.

More Info: please visit http://www.gofunnow.com/wordpress/plugins/fix-rss-feed-error-wordpress-plugins.htm


  1. Upload to your plugins folder, usually wp-content/plugins/ and unzip the file, it will create a wp-content/plugins/fix-rss-feed/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin on the plugin screen.
  3. done


if php file is not writable, how to do?

If your os is the windows, please check your file whether is read-only, so, in the Explorer right-click the file, choose Properties, uncheck read-only attribute, and then click „ok“ button, final your file can be written..

If your os is linux, using ftp or WinSCP into your server, find the file, right-click the file, choose Properties, please set file permissions to 777, and then click „ok“ button, final your file can be written..

If it is linux of ssh login, then enter the server, to find documents, use chmod command to set permissions, for example:.

 chmod 777 test.php.

final you can write documents.


26. Mai 2019
It’s amazing that I found this plugin, I couldn’t believe it worked, it helps me big time. Thank you very much! I’ve done extensive research and have been searching through hell to find a solution. I troubleshooted all day long to find that my yoast sitemap error is caused by buddypress plugin, but it’s a crucial plugin for me and I have no idea which file to fix it, luckily I found this plugin. I appreciate this very much! Kudos to the author! Great work!
19. September 2016
I’ve no idea why it’s needed, but it has saved my bacon on multiple occasions. Thanks for the nice, easy fix.
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2008-12-30 release v1.0

2009-02-04 release v1.01, fixed some errors, add create backup files before change php files, thanks for Willem Kossen’s advice.

2009-02-16 release v1.02, fixed some errors

2009-05-24 release v1.03, add „check wordpress rss feed error“ button, thanks for Wanda’s advice.

2010-02-12 release v2.0, add backup and restore function.

2010-09-19 release v3.0, need not to modify error in php files directly, it will use a good and simple way, it just modify wp-blog-header.php in blog directory.

2011-08-10 release v3.1, only open Donate url in first usage time, thanks for Colin Reynolds’s advice.