Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 5. Februar 2024 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Diese Stilllegung ist dauerhaft. Grund: Autor-Anfrage.
19. Dezember 2018
Крутой плагин, установил и пользуешься, без настроек. Колобки банальны и несерьёзны, смайлики такого рода отлично вписываются в тему блогов о серьёзных вещах, но с долей юмора)
16. Januar 2018
Looks better than normal emotiocons, yach in yellow, red or what ever. This one is perfect for induviduals and I hope the developer makes compatible for the future growth of WordPress versions and maybe accessable for Divi.
Special thanks to Sebastian Krysmanski:-)
19. November 2017
Thanks for that nice emoji plugin.
It works perfectly together with „Emoji Settings“ – so you can deactivate the connection to the servers and then have your nice inline font emojis with this cool plugin. It makes your website independent and also save your users from being tracked through emojis
3. September 2016
great plugin, easy to set up (actually its just the installation) and works without any conflict. Thanks, great job!
3. September 2016
Emoticons really nice and funny
3. September 2016
Alle verfügbaren Daumen nach oben 😉
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