Back WordPress API to the content.
You can request some* functions of WordPress API with same syntax for arguments into your posts, pages, or widgets content.
functionsCapacitor will insert function result into your content as HTML output.
(*) see Supported functions
or conditional tags.
- Safe process to use this plugin on WordPress MU or WP MultiSite.
- Allow to personalize Embedded output
for each functions. - Easy and powerfull Functions arguments syntax
to apply any WordPress API options. - Generic functions arguments with Magic keywords.
- NEW: use WordPress conditional tags as option to display a widget.
- Structured source-code to prevent any conflict.
Three methods to use WordPress API functions :
Method by shortcode tag
Insert a tag into your content like [fct function_name=“parameter1=value¶meter2=value“].
One shortcode tag can request several functions, input [fct function_name1=“arguments“ function_name2=“arguments“].
Method with a widget
Add a functionsCapacitor widget, select a function, input function parameters like „parameter1=value¶meter2=value“ (without quotes).
Optional: choose a supported conditional function to decide where to display your widget.
Method by custom fields
Set a custom field name with function name and put function arguments into custom field value like „parameter1=value¶meter2=value“ (without quotes).
- Result is always inserted at end.
- Plugin has priority 5. Most plugins use priority 10.
- This method is applied if post/page is displayed.
- Tag cloud of popular posts tags,
insert [fct wp_tag_cloud] - List of children pages of current page,
insert [fct wp_list_pages=“title_li=&child_of=%postID%&depth=1″] - List of category’s recent posts with excerpts,
insert [fct wp_get_recent_posts=“category=X&fct:show_excerpt=1″]
with X equal category ID number - List of categories without default category,
insert [fct wp_list_categories=“title_li=&exclude=%defaultcatID%“]
Embedded output
Any functionsCapacitor request will insert <div class="functionsCapacitor">functions output</div>
Shortcode method allow to personalize main container like
[fct container=“HTML tag name“ class=“class(es) name(s)“ style=“CSS properties“ function1=“args“ function2=“args“].
set container=““ to remove main container.
Some functions output were inserted with dedicated container like
- function output
or <div class="function_name">function output</div>
Personalize this container with Special functions parameters.
Functions arguments syntax
Follow these examples to setup your requests :
- „parameter1=something¶meter2=25“,
parameter1 and parameter2 typed as strings. - „parameter1=something¶meter2=false“,
parameter2 typed as boolean. - „parameter1=¶meter2= ¶meter3=““,
any parameters equal empty string. - „parameter1= something ¶meter2=‘ something ‚“,
parameter1 equal ’something‘,
parameter2 equal ‚ something ‚. - „parameter1=something¶meter2=array(’something‘,’something‘)“,
parameter2 typed as an array of 2 strings. - „parameter1=something¶meter2=array(10,5,20)“,
parameter2 typed as an array of 3 integers. - „parameter1=something¶meter2=array(true,false)“,
parameter2 typed as an array of 2 booleans.
Not supported issues :
- parameter’s value can’t contain „&“ or „=“ characters.
- parameter’s value can’t contain an associative array like array(’name’=>value,’name’=>value).
- parameter’s value can’t contain an array of arrays.
- parameter’s value can’t contain a PHP variable like $post->ID,
see Magic keywords. - parameter’s value can’t request a PHP or WordPress function.
- parameter’s value can’t contain PHP source-code.
Magic keywords
Use these keywords to obtain variables values into your functions arguments :
- %postID% => $post->ID,
ID of post or page where made the request :
related post/page into a shortcode,
or current post/page into a widget. - %postparent% => $post->post_parent,
ID of parent page where made the request. - %postauthor% => $post->post_author,
author ID of post where made the request. - %defaultcatID% => default_category,
ID of default category for newest posts. - %posttagIDs% => wp_get_post_tags(),
string of current post tags IDs as „1,2,3,…“ - %posttagslugs% => wp_get_post_tags(),
string of current post tags slugs as „slug-name,slug-name,…“
You can use magic keywords into an array.
Example: wp_list_categories=“exclude=array(%defaultcatID%,1,2,…)“
Special functions parameters
- fct:container to set HTML tag of function container.
Set „fct:container=““ to remove this container.
Each functions have a default container related to its output. - fct:container_id to set container „id“ attribute.
- fct:container_class to set container „class“ attribute.
Function name as default.
Example with shortcode: [fct function_name=“fct:container_class=name¶m1=value¶m2=value“]. - fct:container_style to set container „style“ attribute.
functionsCapacitor not create a container if the API function still return a container.
See WordPress Codex to personalize them.
Supported functions
- get_the_post_thumbnail()
with size=thumbnail|medium|large|post-thumbnail
or size name defined with add_image_size() into theme’s file functions.php. - get_the_tag_list()
with before=“&sep=‘ ‚&after=“ as default,
apply only on page or post,
rendered into DIV container - wp_get_archives()
with echo=0&format=html as default - wp_get_recent_posts()
rendered as list with UL container,
with exclude=%postID%&suppress_filters=false&post_status=publish&fct:perm=readable as default
(see bellow) - wp_list_authors()
with echo=0 as default - wp_list_bookmarks()
with echo=0 as default - wp_list_categories()
with echo=0 as default - wp_list_pages()
with echo=0 as default - wp_nav_menu()
with echo=false as default,
see Codex to setting its container - wp_tag_cloud()
with echo=0 as default,
format=flat|list only
See WordPress Codex about these functions and their arguments syntax.
Need you to support more functions, mail to
- if fct:perm=readable hide draft, future, pending, protected posts
but display private posts if user is allowed. - if fct:perm=“ not output permalink of draft, future, pending, private posts.
- set fct:show_excerpt=1|true to display posts excerpts.
- set fct:show_date=1|true to display posts dates.
- set fct:show_thumbnail=1|true to display post thumbnail,
with fct:thumbnail_size=thumbnail|medium|large|post-thumbnail
or size name defined with add_image_size() into theme’s file functions.php. - fct:show_thumbnail=true if fct:thumbnail_size is defined
- display excerpt and thumbnail for draft, future, pending, private, and protected posts
but not create an excerpt from content.
Supported conditional functions
- cat_is_ancestor_of()
check if current category is child of conditional argument. - in_category()
- is_category()
- is_front_page()
- is_home()
- is_page()
- is_single()
See WordPress Conditional Tags about these functions and their arguments syntax.
Not canonical conditional functions
These functions are designed for this plugin only, not available elsewhere, and not documented into the WordPress Codex.
- in_tree_of()
check if page, post, or category is descendant of conditional argument (or itself),
require argument as page or category numeric ID. - is_category_in_tree_of()
check if category is descendant of conditional argument (or itself),
require argument as category numeric ID. - is_page_descendant_of()
check if page is descendant of conditional argument,
require argument as page numeric ID. - is_page_in_tree_of()
check if page is descendant of conditional argument (or itself),
require argument as page numeric ID. - is_single_in_tree_of()
check if post is in descendant of conditional argument,
require argument as category numeric ID.
Conditional functions arguments syntax
Support only arguments as single value ; string, numeric, or magic keyword.
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Is it safe ?
Yes ! And you can install functionsCapacitor on WPMU or WPMS.
- functionsCapacitor not execute or eval users input (function name or arguments).
- functionsCapacitor output is managed by WordPress itself, and related to users role.
Example: wp_list_pages() function will not return private pages if current user is anonymous.
- How come from functions capacitor idea ?
I was standing on my chair in front of the computer,
I was copy-paste a hack into a template,
the desk was wet,
my mouse slipped, right button hit the flowerpot,
and when I saw the result on screen I had a revelation ! A vision !
The functions capacitor ! - D’où vient l’idée du convecteur de fonctions ?
J’étais assis devant mon ordinateur,
j’allais copier-coller un hack dans un template,
le bureau était mouillé,
ma souris a glissé, le bouton-droit a heurté le pot de fleurs,
et en voyant le résultat à l’écran j’ai eu une révélation ! Une vision !
Le convecteur de fonctions !
Für dieses Plugin gibt es keine Rezensionen.
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„functionsCapacitor“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
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- support is_page() conditional function.
- add is_page_in_tree_of() conditional function (not canonical).
- in_tree_of() support page ID as argument.
- add is_page_descendant_of() conditional function (not canonical).
- Tested with WordPress 4.0 (and 3.5.1).
- fix issue while esc_textarea() API is missing.
- support is_category() conditional function.
- support cat_is_ancestor_of() conditional function.
- support is_single() conditional function.
- support in_category() conditional function.
- add is_category_in_tree_of() conditional function (not canonical).
- add is_single_in_tree_of() conditional function (not canonical).
- add in_tree_of() conditional function (not canonical).
- support get_the_post_thumbnail() function.
- add fct:show_date for wp_get_recent_posts().
- add fct:container_id special parameter.
- add conditional options to choose when to display or not a widget,
- support is_home() conditional function.
- support is_front_page() conditional function.
- set post_status=publish as default for wp_get_recent_posts().
- allow post_status=draft|future|pending for wp_get_recent_posts(),
but require to set fct:perm=“ to display these posts. - if request wp_get_recent_posts() with fct:perm=“,
any posts with as draft, future, pending, private status are display without permalink.
- add fct:perm=readable for wp_get_recent_posts().
- add fct:container special parameter.
- support get_the_tag_list().
- allow to personalize „style“ attribute of shortcode main container.
- add fct:container_style special parameter.
- add %defaultcatID% magic keyword.
- add %posttagIDs% magic keyword.
- add %posttagslugs% magic keyword.
- add fct:show_thumbnail and fct:thumbnail_size parameters for wp_get_recent_posts().
- allow to personalize shortcode main container.
- support wp_list_authors().
- add %postparent% magic keyword.
- add %postauthor% magic keyword.
- purpose to use API’s functions as a widget.
- set „exclude=%postID%“ as default for wp_get_recent_posts().
- support wp_get_recent_posts() as UL list rendering.
- support parameter value as an array of strings, integers, or booleans
like „parameter=array(’string‘,integer,true,false,…)“. - check an API function exists.
- add special parameter „fct:container_class=class(es) name(s)“.
- support wp_tag_cloud() function.
- support wp_nav_menu() function.
- fix function arguments processing from shortcode tag.
- Experimental release which support wp_get_archives(), wp_list_bookmarks(), wp_list_categories(), and wp_list_pages().