Go Redirects is a URL forwarder plugin for WordPress that enables URLs like
to forward to URLs like
. It’s a great way to create clean-looking affiliate links or provide permement links for remote URLs that may change over time. It includes analytics for the number of times a URL has been forwarded.
- WordPress Plugins Directory: Navigate to Plugins Add New in the WordPress admin and search “Go Redirects.” Click Install and then Activate.
- Zip Upload: Navigate to Plugins Add New Upload Plugin in the WordPress admin. Browse to the .zip file containing the plugin on your computer and upload, then activate.
- Manual FTP Upload: Upload the plugin folder to
. Navigate to Plugins in the WordPress admin and activate.
I’m getting 404 errors when I try to visit my redirects. What do I do?
Go to Settings
Permalinks and resave your permalink settings. -
Can I change the redirects base URL slug from `/go/` to something else?
There is no setting to do so at this time.
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„Go Redirects URL Forwarder“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
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- Fixed issue with „copy to clipboard“ button
- Minor changes
- Minor changes