Image Watermark WP that protects your photos quickly! Image Watermark WP plugin allows you to watermark any of your photos with a variety set of options.
For more information, check out plugin page at LogicsFort, documentation page or plugin support forum.
Features include:
- Apply watermark option in Media Library actions
- Choose the position of watermark image
- Upload custom watermark image
- Watermark image preview
- Set watermark offset
- Select post types where watermark will be applied to images or select adding watermark during any image upload
- Select from 3 methods of applying watermark size: original, custom or scaled
- Set watermark transparency / opacity
- Select image format (baseline or progressive)
- Set image quality
- Protect your images from copying via drag&drop
- Gets the job done without tweaking.
- Easy to learn and use
- Install Image Watermark WP either via the plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server
- Aktiviere das Plugin in WordPress im Menü „Plugins“
- Go to the Watermark menu in Settings and set your watermarking options.
- Enable watermark to apply watermark to uploaded images or go to Media Library to apply watermark to previously uploaded images
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Positioning Problem Fix.
Confliction Fix.