Infinity Simple FAQ


Infinity Simple FAQ helps you create an expandable FAQ section within posts, pages, or widgets, using an intuitive accordion format.


  • Simple Shortcode Integration: [ifs_faq] to display FAQs anywhere.
  • Custom Post Type for FAQs: Easily manage FAQs in the dashboard.
  • Lightweight and Performance-optimized.
  • Compatible with Gutenberg and Elementor.



  1. Install the plugin as a regular WordPress plugin:

    • Upload through the plugin installer or extract and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
    • Activate the plugin via the „Plugins“ menu in WordPress.
  2. Add FAQ items from the „FAQ“ menu in the WordPress dashboard.

  3. Use the [ifs_faq] shortcode in any post, page, or widget to display the FAQ accordion.


How do I add new FAQs?

Navigate to the „FAQ“ menu in your WordPress dashboard and create your FAQ items.

Can I use the plugin with Gutenberg or Elementor?

Yes! The plugin is compatible with both Gutenberg blocks and the Elementor page builder.

How can I style the FAQs?

Infinity Simple FAQ inherits your theme’s default styles, but you can add custom CSS to style it as desired.


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  • Initial release with expand/collapse FAQ functionality.
  • Added shortcode for embedding FAQs in posts, pages, or widgets.
  • Enabled custom post type for FAQs.
  • Compatible with Gutenberg and Elementor.