Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Insert Blocks Before or After Posts Content


This plugin gives the capability to automatically add content before and/or after your posts, pages, or any public custom post types.

It is also possible to prevent your before/after content from showing on a post or a page directly from the editor screen (works on both Classic Editor and Block Editor). You can also prevent your before/after content from displaying on specific post types or categories.

With this plugin, build your before/after content within the Gutenberg block editor, even if you are using Classic Editor!

Indeed, the block editor is activated for these specific blocks of contents even if Gutenberg is not activated on your website!

I strongly recommend to use it alongside one of my other free plugins, Reusable Blocks Extended. These two plugins are totaly independant, but together they provide a full editorial experience! ⭐️


  • Plugin’s settings page
  • Use block editor to edit your before/after content, even if you have Classic Editor installed!
  • Use the post metabox to edit your settings on a post by post basis (works on both Classic and Gutenberg editors)
  • Front-end result with both before and after content


  1. Activate the plugin.
  2. Go to Appearance > Before/after content to create content blocks and to choose your settings.
  3. Save your changes and enjoy 🙂


But I’m still using Classic Editor!

No worries! It will work even with Classic Editor activated!
The plugin restores Gutenberg block editor for the wp_block post type only.
Of course, nothing will change for your other post types.


29. März 2022
The Blocksy theme gives the opportunity to customize some features before and after the content but prevent you to choose the order of eventual additional content you may try to add in these places. This plugin is pretty cool as you can add all the blocks you need in the order and composition you need.
22. Mai 2021
Great plugin! Would it be possible to add Polylang support? Multiple languages show up but don’t apply on page. Thank you for your consideration! 🙂
11. Mai 2020
This plugin is very straightforward and allows you to design before & after sections for your posts and pages. I have used it to provide an article feedback section that would otherwise have been a compromise to pull off. The settings page is nicely placed in the Appearance section. All good :o)
18. Februar 2020
I tried a function to add affiliate/privacy info to blog posts only, but it was showing on my product pages, where I didn’t want. This allowed me to select blog posts only, and leave the info off pages and products. Perfect! Thank you for the easy to use plugin!
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  • Properly parse block. Props @maxpertici and @vinvinXD. See https://twitter.com/vinvinXD/status/1496927854885539851 for context.


  • Fixes a PHP warning on front-end. Props Aurélien Denis (@maigret).


  • Internationalization fixes and WP 5.6 compatibility.


  • Plugin initial version. Works fine.