Inspect Gravity Forms


Gravity Forms is such a versatile form builder that you can quickly accumulate a big list of forms on a busy website. Some of those forms will integrate with mailing lists, some with credit card payment gateways, some with Help Scout, some manage user registrations, some… and before you know it, you can’t easily find that form you’re looking for.

This add-on lets you quickly see what a form is doing, whether it has:

  • credit card field
  • User Registration feed
  • Coupon
  • PayPal
  • Authorize.Net
  • Stripe
  • DPS PxPay
  • eWAY
  • MailChimp
  • Campaign Monitor
  • Help Scout
  • any other registered feeds using the Gravity Forms Add-on framework

With more tests to come. It does it by adding a set of icons next to the actions links under each form name in the forms list.


Filter hooks

  • inspect_gravityforms_icon_list for modifying the icon list (e.g. add your own ones)



  • A sample list of forms with one form showing information icons


  1. Either install automatically through the WordPress admin, or download the .zip file, unzip to a folder, and upload the folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Read Installing Plugins in the WordPress Codex for details.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress.
  3. Install and activate the Gravity Forms plugin.


Why don’t you have an icon for my favorite integration?

Because you haven’t asked me for it. So ask me!

If you want to add a custom integration icon, you can hook the filter hook inspect_gravityforms_icon_list and add it yourself.

Will this plugin work without installing Gravity Forms?

No. This plugin integrates with Gravity Forms. You must purchase and install a copy of the Gravity Forms plugin too.


Für dieses Plugin gibt es keine Rezensionen.

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The full changelog for Inspect Gravity Forms can be found on GitHub. Recent entries:

1.3.0, 2016-11-05

  • added: show an icon for Zapier feeds