Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.



Issuu.com is a great place to host your PDF magazines, but you’d rather keep your visitors on your site then send them over, right?

Issuupress fetches (via the Issuu API) a list of all your PDFs hosted on issuu.com and allows you to display that list on your blog via a simple shortcode.

You can optionally restrict the list by tag, and control the issuu viewer via shortcode attributes.

You will need credentials to access the issuu API: login to issuu and access http://issuu.com/services/api/ to find your own API key and key secret.

Please rate the plugin if you like it.


Simply put the [issuupress] shortcode where you would like the catalog to be. Add attributes to customize it.

[issuupress viewer=“mini“ titlebar=“false“ vmode=““ ctitle=“Pick a PDF file to read“ height=“480″ bgcolor=“FFFFFF“]

To customize its appearance, use your theme’s CSS style.css file.


  • Mockup of the Issuu viewer with the list of pdfs underneath, fetched via the Issuu API.
  • The Settings screen.


  1. Extract the zip file
  2. Drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation
  3. Activate the Plugin from Plugins page.
  4. Go to Settings > IssuuPress, enter your API key and API secret, set the cache value.
  5. Use the shortcode wherever you see fit. To customize its appearance, use your theme’s CSS style.css file.


[issuupress viewer="mini" titlebar="false" vmode="" ctitle="Pick a PDF file to read" height="480" bgcolor="FFFFFF"] 


  • viewer=“mini“ : Possible values: „no“,“mini“,“presentation“ or „window“. Default: „mini“.
  • titlebar=“false“ : Displays the PDF’s titlebar. Possible values: „true“, „false“. Default: „false“.
  • vmode=““ : Displays pages next to each other, or underneath each other („single“). Possible values: „single“, „“. Default: „“.
  • ctitle=““ : Title to print on top of the list of pdf files. Default: „Pick a PDF file to read“
  • height=“480″ : Controls the viewer ’s height dimension. In pixels. Default: „480“.
  • bgcolor=“FFFFFF“ : Controls the viewer background color. In hexadecimal. Default :“FFFFFF“.
  • img=“false“ : Set this to a number will display the thumbnail of each pdf at the provided width (ex: img=“120″ will display the thumbnail at the width of 120px).


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  • Fixed issue with links leading to 404
  • Tested against wordpress 4.4


  • Fixed issue if your website is using SSL (https protocol)
  • Tested against wordpress 4.2


  • Enhancement: added the option to only fetch public/private or both documents from your Issuu account.
  • removed Tag support, since Issuu removed it.
  • Enhancement: added the option to set the display order.
  • Fixed „Notice: has_cap“
  • Fixed issues related to the cache file not being writable
  • Fix: smarter automatic setup on plugin initial configuration
  • Fix: use „https“ url instead of http to remove security warning on SSL websites.
  • Improvement: add „&debug“ to the settings page url to display a Debug box with useful information (or simply click on the „View Debug information“ link in the Settings screen.


  • removed causes for php notices.


  • Improved error reporting
  • Improved the Rebuild Cache process
  • Thanks to Adam Lazzarato for bug reporting and beta testing °-)


  • Fixed warnings appearing if no document was found.


  • Annoying warning happening on some installations after updating the plugin. Hopefully this should sort it out.


  • woops. A few quirks got left behind.


  • New option: show a message when no pdf is returned.
  • New shortcode attribute „img“ that can be used to display pdf thumbnails (suggested by Adam Lazzarato). Set the img to the desired width (ex: img=“120″ will display the thumbnail at the width of 120px).
  • Removed an incoherence that could make it that no pdf would be displayed if no tag was provided. Sorry about that.


  • Fixed the tag not actually filtering anything (duh!).


  • Added many additional attributes to the shortcode to allow you to customize the viewer
  • Added admin option to manually refresh the cache.


Fixed a lot of initalisation bugs. Sorry about that.

