The Jewish Date plugin enables you to show the Jewish date next to the Gregorian date on your WordPress site.
- Enable or disable display of the Jewish date next to the Gregorian post date
- Enable or disable display of the Jewish date next to the Gregorian comment date
- Install a widget displaying today’s Jewish date, and optionally also today’s Gregorian date, in a registered sidebar
- Available in English (default), French, German and Spanish. You can add your own translation if you want
- Go to your WordPress Dashboard
- Click on Plugins -> Add New
- Search for „Jewish Date„
- Find the plugin and click on the Install Now button
- After installation, click on Activate Plugin link to activate the plugin
What is the Gregorian date?
The Gregorian date is based on the Gregorian calendar, which is the most widely used calendar in the world today. The Gregorian date is the type of date you are used to seeing on WordPress websites; its numbers correspond to the month, day, and year.
What is the Jewish date?
The Jewish date is the type of date which is based on the Jewish, or Hebrew, calendar. It is generally used for religious purposes. Websites providing Jewish content sometimes choose to display the Jewish date.
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„Jewish Date“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
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- Initial release.
- Owner change.
- Contact info changed.