Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

jTab Guitar Tab Shortcode


jTab Guitar Tab Shortcode displays clean SVG graphics of guitar chords and tab on your WordPress blog, based on simple text notation entered into a WordPress shortcode.
This plugin is based on the excellent open-source jTab JavaScript library by Paul Gallagher (http://jtab.tardate.com). „jTab is a javascript-based library that renders notation using CSS and scalable vector graphics (SVG). It works in most modern browsers that support javascript, CSS and scalable vector graphics (SVG).“

I’d rather show than tell! To see plenty of examples, visit the shortcode plugin page at http://jtab-guitar-tab-shortcode.marichiba.com.


Display guitar chords

[jtab phrase="C / Am / F / G G7"]

Display guitar tab with chords

[jtab phrase="Bm $3 4 4h5p3h4 5 $2 3 5 7 7h8p7 5/7 | A $4 7 9 $3 7 6 $5 9 $4 7h9 7 $5 9\7 5/7 |"]

Display a form allowing users to render jTab notation in real-time

[jtab showform='true' buttontext='jTab me, baby!' phrase='C Am F G']

Specify different class and/or id for the jtab div

[jtab phrase="C / Am / F / G G7" class="myclass" id="myid"]

Do you need different functionality from this shortcode, or a different plugin altogether? Hire me! Go to http://www.marichiba.com/contact-me.

You can hire me!

Do you need different functionality from this shortcode, or a different plugin altogether? Hire me! Go to http://www.marichiba.com/contact-me.


I recommend installing and activating this plugin from the WordPress admin panel under Plugins > Add New. If you must download and install separately:

  1. Upload the jtab-guitar-tab-shortcode folder to /wp-content/plugins/
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.


Lay ‚em on me. Visit the plugin’s comments page at http://jtab-guitar-tab-shortcode.marichiba.com/comments-kudos-complaints


Für dieses Plugin gibt es keine Rezensionen.

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