Karma is a responsive music player plugin for WordPress with which you could insert multiple players in your website.
Some of Karma’s features:
- The active player will stop if you play another Karma’s player.
- WordPress widget compatibility (Customizer Included).
- Visual Composer compatibility.
- Elementor Support Added.
- 10 NEW Color palettes.
- Download button.
- RTL compatibility.
- Seekbar mobile friendly.
- Autoplay and loop.
- Responsive.
Unfortunately the autoplay support for safari is dropped if you have macOS Sierra High or higher.
Upload the Karma plugin to your website and activate it. Now you can use the Karma shortcode. Have fun!
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„Karma Music Player by Kadar“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
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- Elementor Support Added.
- Widget Support Added (Customizer Included).
- Now you can choose between different colors for the player.
- Download button added.
- If you have multiple autoplayed song, it will play the first with this attribute instead of the last one as before.
- General bug fixes.
- Initial Release.