Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.


This plugin allow WordPress site administrator close the website for maintenance. It can be also used as coming soon page for new website.
However Logged in user can view the frontend. It contain easy customization admin panel and is responsive for mobile devices.


* Fully customizable (change colors, texts);
* Visual Editor to change the Main Content
* Contact Form (Email template);
* Responsive design;
* Full Screen Slider;
* Upload own logo;
* Add your title, headline, text;
* Configurable colors: fonts, icons, background;
* Social media icons;


  • Kul Maintenance Mode Frontend
  • Kul Coming Soon Frontend
  • General Dashboard Screen
  • Design Dashboard Screen
  • Social Dashboard Screen
  • Slider Dashboard Screen


  1. Install either via the WordPress.org plugin directory or Upload the kul- maintenance folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Dashboard > Kul Maintenance


I have activated plugin but it looks like plugin is not working.

Make sure to check on new browser where you are not logged in. and also make sure you have activated maintenance mode ON in setting page.

How do i change contact email, Email Subject

You can change Contact email from setting page under Social Tab.

How do i disable Slider

You can Deactive Slider in slider Tab. Also you can use one slider image if you want to use as background image.


12. Dezember 2016
When i was developing my first site, i was searching for maintenance plugin, then i fount KUL maintenance, i did what it said. Great plugin enough. Thanks to developer…
3. September 2016
This is a great plugin to efficiently stand up a maintenance or „coming soon“ page. The developer has included a good number of options. I probably should give it all 5 stars, but I would like to have the ability to use a larger logo, and a basic installation document would be handy (including slider image dimensions).
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Fixing filter for the editor


Added Visual Editor in the description to support larger contents.
Added hiding form. tested and fixed to latest version.


Fixed Discourage Site index and tested to latest version.


Fixed Html use of html element in copyright and description.


  • added slider deactivation functionality.
  • email with custom subject and user data added.
  • optimized images.


  • First loaded.