Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Kulinarian Recipe Embed


Are you an aspiring Food Blogger or a seasoned Recipe Editor? Do you want to focus on writing beautiful recipes, instead of maintaining complex theme layouts, HTML, and CSS?

Writing recipes on paper or in an email is easy. However, properly formating and displaying recipes on a website can be a nightmare. Like all food and recipe writers, your time will be better spent writing awesome content for your loyal fans, rather than struggling with web design.

Don’t waste any more time trying to modify your WordPress theme or learning HTML & CSS. In a few quick steps, you can easily embed beautiful recipes in your WordPress blog posts.

The Kulinarian.com Recipe Embedder is a hosted solution that provides you with the freedom to write cooking content, while we handle your recipe’s technical details.

The Kulinarian.com Recipe Embedder gives you;

  • A „mobile first“ and „responsive“ recipe layout
  • A recipe servings calculator
  • Standard to Metric conversion calculator
  • Print media CSS for printing just the recipe content
  • Unlimited and Free recipe hosting through Kulinarian.com

Follow these steps to show recipes on your WordPress blog.

  1. Install the Kulinarian.com Recipe plugin
  2. Sign up to Kulinarian.com become a member
  3. Create a recipe with the Kulinarian.com Recipe Builder
  4. In a WordPress blog post on your website, link to the Kulinarian.com recipe you created

Follow these detailed instructions to embed Kulinarian.com recipes on your WordPress blog.

Contact Us
If you have any issues using this plugin, please feel free to contact us at info@kulinarian.com.


  • Navigate to your Wordpress website’s admin panel (typically located at example.com/wp-admin). In the left-hand menu, click on Plugins and then Add New.

  • In the plugin search field, enter „Kulinarian Recipe Plugin“ to find the Kulinarian plugin. Find the „Kulinarian Recipe Plugin“ plugin and click Install Now.

  • The „Kulinarian Recipe Plugin“ plugin should now be installed and you should never have to repeat that step again. In your Wordpress admin panel, navigate to Posts and click Add New. Or, you can edit an existing post.

  • Enter your blog post’s title.

  • In the post editor, add your recipe title „Vegetable, Spinach and Feta Pasta.“ Highlight your recipe title with your cursor, and click the Link icon.

  • In the hyper-link pop-up box, enter the kulinarian.com URL for the recipe. The URL must contain the URL parameter „?embed=link.“ Then enter the link Title and And click Add Link to create the link.

  • Your blog post should now contain a hyper-link that is pointing to your Kulinarian.com recipe.

  • Your recipe is now ready to publish. Click Publish or Update.

  • Navigate to your new or updated blog post to confirm your recipe is displaying properly.


Follow these steps to show recipes on your WordPress blog.

  1. Install the Kulinarian.com Recipe plugin
  2. Sign up to Kulinarian.com become a member
  3. Create a recipe with the Kulinarian.com Recipe Builder
  4. In a WordPress blog post on your website, link to the Kulinarian.com recipe you created

Follow these detailed instructions to embed Kulinarian.com recipes on your WordPress blog.


Is hosting recipes through Kulinarian.com free?

Yes! Hosting all of your recipes through Kulinarian.com is totally free. You will have free access to host an unlimited number of recipes on Kulinarian.com, through your blog or website.

Why must I upload recipes to Kulinarian.com and not my own website?

Instead of a WordPress plugin or installed code-base, the Kulinarian.com Recipe plugin is a hosted service.

Why is the Kulinarian.com Recipe plugin a hosted solution?

Hosting your recipes through Kulinarian.com provides you with these benefits;

  • Faster website performance, because recipe data and meta data is stored in the Kulinarian.com databases
  • Mobile and Responsive recipe layouts
  • You never have to worry about modifying PHP, CSS, or HTML files
  • Access to the latest recipe tools from Kulinarian.com like the recipe servings calculator, standard to metric conversion, and the recipe print button
  • The Kulinarian.com Recipe plugin is continuously updated through Kulinarian.com

Where can I find detailed instructions on how to use the Kulinarian.com Recipe plugin?

Follow these detailed instructions to embed Kulinarian.com recipes on your WordPress blog.

Is there someone I can contact if I need help?

Yes, feel free to contact us at info@kulinarian.com.


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Mitwirkende & Entwickler

„Kulinarian Recipe Embed“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:




  • Plugin created