Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Li'l Gallery


Big main picture of a gallery and thumbnails of others, and the main image changes when one clicks thumbnails. Replaces the standard wordpress [gallery] shortcode output. No flash. Available options: width, heigth, thumbnail height, size, link to image file or not.


  • A sample how li’l gallery looks.


  • Upload lil-gallery.zip from Plugins/Add New/Upload and activate the plugin.
  • Set desirable default options of the plugin at the Li’l Gallery options page.


How can I change some gallery look?

Here is a gallery shortcode sample with the full set of parameters:
[gallery id=“10″ width=“500″ height=“400″ link=“file“ size=“medium“ thumbnail_height=“80″ order=“ASC“ orderby=“ID“ exclude=“11,12″ featured=“exclude“]

Parameters description:

  • id: integer, the ID of a post the images attached to. Default: current post ID.
  • width: width in pixels (px) of the DIV block that contains the gallery, overflow hidden. Empty by default, then the gallery takes 100% of available width.
  • height: height in pixels of the DIV block that contains first image of a gallery. Empty by default. If your gallery includes both portrait and landscape images or different width/height rate the page height may change when you click thumbnails, and you can avoid this inconvenience by setting this parameter for the specific gallery instance.
  • link: ‚file‘ or ’none‘, default ‚file‘ – is the main image clickable or not.
  • size: ‚medium‘, ‚large‘ or ‚file‘ – the size of a main image, default ‚medium‘.
  • thumbnail_height: to make thumbnails row looks pretty (it is not real size of your thumbnails), default 60 (pixels).
  • order, orderby, exclude – the same as in standard wordpress gallery.
  • featured: ‚include‘ (default) or ‚exclude‘ – is the featured image of a post displayed in a gallery or not.


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  • New parameter/option: featured image exclusion.


  • Fixed bug in links from main image.


  • Correction of handling link and thumbnail_height parameters, small changes in css.


  • Now the plugin can use [gallery] or [lil_gallery] shortcode, of your choice.


  • First public version.