Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

List Pages at Depth


A more powerful version of wp_list_pages() which allows you to specify a start depth.

This means you can easily display secondary and tertiary navigation seperately from the primary navigation on your site.

The list_pages_at_depth function accepts all the same arguments as wp_list_pages, but has an additional argument called ’startdepth‘. Set this to be 0 to display primary navigation, 1 for secondary navigation etc. If you wanted to display secondary navigation with indented tertiary navigation you can use this in conjunction with the depth argument – simply set startdepth to 1 and depth to 2.


list_pages_at_depth( array(
    'startdepth' => 1,
    'depth'      => 1
) );


The plugin also includes a widget so you can easily add it to your site.

You can contribute and submit bug issues on the plugin’s GitHub page.


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  • Use PHP 5 style constructors.


  • Add selected page classes: current_page_item, current_page_parent, current_page_ancestor.
  • Allow list pages to be displayed on pages other than single pages.
  • Sanitize widget fields when updating.


  • Test up to WordPress 4.0
  • Adhere to formatting standards and a little bit of code tidying.


  • Added support for ‚ancestors_of‘ argument.
  • Added support for other post types via ‚list_pages_at_depth_post_types‘ filter.
  • Widget includes ‚widget_pages_args‘ filter.
  • Tested compatibility with WordPress 3.3


  • Now shows in all circumstances, not just on pages, if the startdepth is set to zero.


  • Added widget.
  • Fixed bug caused by duplicates when finding parent and child pages.


  • First Release.