Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.



MoneyPls: request donations nicely

MoneyPls is built by Gived, a London-based startup, that helps creators monetise their passion. This plugin makes it simple to set up MoneyPls on your WordPress blog.
To use this plugin, you must first set up a MoneyPls campaign on https://gived.org/moneypls/create. Follow the instructions and copy the generated ID into the plugin config panel.


MoneyPls lets you ask your audience for money in a friendly way that converts better and isn’t pushy. Our proprietary algorithm decides the best time to ask your visitors for money. This means requests convert better than a static donate button, and interrupt your users less.
MoneyPls offers:
– A powerful and easy way for your audience to show their support
– An integrated and intelligent donation popup
– Access to the whole Gived ecosystem (e.g. advanced campaigning tools)


We charge 4% on each transaction (+ card processing fees).
For more details, see https://gived.org/pricing


  • Will it slow my site down?
    No. We use special ‘async’ and ‘defer’ properties on our script tags so MoneyPls only loads in the background after everything else has loaded.
  • How can I get support?
    You can email joe@gived.org for support, we’re happy to help and will respond within 1 working day
  • Who uses MoneyPls?
    MoneyPls is used by charities, individuals, and blogs. It’s a new tool, but is growing quickly.
  • How often do you update the plugin?
    The WordPress plugin exists to simplify setup of MoneyPls, meaning it’s quite a simple tool which doesn’t need a lot of updates. That said, if bugs are reported, we will fix them quickly.

Support & Bug reports

For any support questions, or reports of bugs in MoneyPls, please email joe@gived.org.

The Gived Suite

  • Campaign – a powerful campaigning tool for recurring donations
  • SubPls – a friendly way to ask for emails
  • Lottery – online lottery & raffle tool
  • LiveAuction – a whitelabel auction tool
  • GivingAPI – custom integrations for your site


  • Settings page.
  • MoneyPls widget.
  • MoneyPls site.


Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from the Plugins page.

After active plugin go to Setting->MoneyPls Config.


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Inital release