You can add multi testimonials with multiple color scheme and containing author name, image, designation and content with multiple color this plugin provides a live preview that can help you build awesome and unique testimonials on your website.
Superb testimonial plugin is responsive fully customizable.
Basic Input Fields For This Plugin
- Testimonial title
- Testimonial content
- Testimonial image
- Testimonial designation
- Reviewer Company and location
- Reviewer name
- Rating star
- Select category for display testimonials
Features Of This Plugin
- Choose one of the four ready testimonial templates
- Fully Responsive,Clean Design and Mobile friendly
- Add Limitless Testimonials anywhere in the theme
- Use via short-codes
- Awesome input field for Testimonials content
- Multi color Scheme
- Less for quick customization
- All browser compatible
- Easy To Use – No Coding Required
- Shortcode Generator with live preview
- Add unlimited testimonials and display them anywhere you want
- Set a maximum number of testimonials to show
- Star rating system
- Show/hide section title
- Show/hide testimonial content or review message
- Show/hide reviewer name
- Show/hide star rating
- Show/hide reviewer identity or position
- Show/hide testimonial image
- Unlimited color options for every field
- Control the number of testimonial columns on different devices.
- Testimonials order & order by
- Easy to customize and developer-friendly
- Compatible with any theme
- Support all modern browsers: Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, etc.
- Go to plugins in your dashboard and select ‚add new‘
- Search for ‚Superb Testimonials‘ and install it
- Go to Dashboard > Superb Testimonials Menu, and add testimonials here
- Go to ‚All Shortcodes‘ to create your first shortcode customize your testimonial widget
Do I need any coding skills to use the Superb Testimonials plugin?
No! The only code you’ll need is the shortcode
Für dieses Plugin gibt es keine Rezensionen.
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„Free Responsive Testimonials and Customer Reviews – Superb Testimonials“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
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Initial Release